General Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Are you polychronic or monochronic?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) March 31st, 2009

Breakdown here.

If you’re about to say “I’m both”.. just answering with the one you are MOST like would be great.

I am definitely of the polychronic persuasion myself.

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22 Answers

mcbealer's avatar

hello to all fellow polychronic flutherites out there…

Bluefreedom's avatar

According to the breakdown you posted, I’m more monochronic than anything else.

Divalicious's avatar

Like @Bluefreedom, I’m monochronic with two polychronic exceptions. I do many things at once, and I’m high-context and already have information.

Your link does explain why I plug away at my job while my coworkers congregate. I’m surrounded by polychronics!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@mcbealer HI! xD
@Divalicious We’re sorry about that. xD

Randy's avatar

It seems I’m mostly polychronic, although I have a couple monochronic attributes.

squirbel's avatar

Do many things at once
Are highly distractible and subject to interruptions
Consider time commitments an objective to be achieved, if possible
Are high-context and already have information
Are committed to people and human relationships
Change plans often and easily

Concentrate on the job
Are concerned about not disturbing others; follow rules of privacy and consideration
Show great respect for private property; seldom borrow or lend
Emphasize promptness

That’s moi!

JellyB's avatar

@squirbel Ah! Tnx! :D
Hm…..i think i might be more monochronic? I dunno! There are points from each one that i know i do!

squirbel's avatar

Click his link, it shows more than what I listed.

JellyB's avatar

@squirbel Um…....the link? :)

squirbel's avatar

Look at the original post. He wrote “Breakdown here.”

JellyB's avatar

@squirbel OH! Didn’t see that….. :)

zephyr826's avatar

Most definitely a polychronic. I’ve also been told I’m a “squiggly line.”

Facade's avatar

I’m polychronic

augustlan's avatar

Poly-person, here.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I wonder if polychronic people get along better with each other.. same with monochronic… hmmm (finger scratches head)

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I went through the criteria, and I had exactly 5 of each one—does that make me both or neither??

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@La_chica_gomela multichronic? xD polymonochronic maybe?

nebule's avatar

which is disappointing

augustlan's avatar

@lynneblundell Why do you find it disappointing? Neither is better than the other… just different. :)

sccrowell's avatar

Monochronic: That’s me!

lrhar487's avatar

I am defiantely monochronic

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