General Question

Zen's avatar

Fave movie genre?

Asked by Zen (7758points) March 31st, 2009

I like movies in space. I like movies where they blow things up. I especially like movies where they blow things up in space. You?

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53 Answers

squirbel's avatar

Psychological thrillers and whodunits.

jrpowell's avatar

Romantic comedies.

Zen's avatar

@squirbel Oh I love those too. Which are your faves?

squirbel's avatar

@johnpowell: do you like as good as it gets? :D

I like romantic comedies as long as they aren’t repetitive and cheesy :D

@zen The Usual Suspects, Memento, The Prestige, The Illusionist, Snatch

Zen's avatar

@johnpowell So the proverbial robot shoe-maker goes barefoot?

TaoSan's avatar

You had me at blowing up and space

Zen's avatar


TaoSan's avatar

serious answer requirement fulfilled:


Maldadpermanente's avatar

Sci-fi, horror, thriller.

allen_o's avatar

Gritty brittish films, anime, weird sci fi, I avoid most Hollywood films

allen_o's avatar

I like post apocolyptic films too, and drug films

Triiiple's avatar

Asian Horror films

GAMBIT's avatar


Zen's avatar

@allen_o Like, “Trainspotting?”

jonsblond's avatar

I enjoy post apocolyptic films and cheesy horror films.

Mr_M's avatar

Horror, especially zombies, hauntings and demonic possession.

allen_o's avatar

@zen- yeah, and dead babbies and spun

allen_o's avatar

And the acid house and fear and loathing in las vegas

JellyB's avatar

Oooh, i love horrors! But not the silly bloody, gory types like Chainsaw Masacre or some nonsense like that. I like things like The Ring, The Grudge, Final Destination, Amityville Horror and the like. Spooky type things mostly.
Comedies are my second favourite – Office Space is one of my favourite movies ever, i think it’s hilarious! :D

AstroChuck's avatar

Black (as in dark) comedies and science fiction.

Zen's avatar

@JellyB My s/o likes those and shlepped me to see an M. Night Shabalalooloo (or whatever his name is). I wasn’t impressed. I dislike them, they frighten me, and nothing ever gets blown up.


JellyB's avatar

@Zen LOL! I’m not sure who or what this M. Night is though…..

Zen's avatar

@JellyB I think it was the Village or something. One of the horror movies from the genre you described. I was not entertained. I’d rather watch the Young and the Restless.

Mr_M's avatar

He also did the movie with Mel Gibson and the crop circles.

JellyB's avatar

@Zen The Village wasn’t half bad…..not as scary as i like, of course, but it was ok! The Y and the R….....? As in the soap?? Oh, say it ain’t so!!

Zen's avatar

@JellyB Oh, it aint so darling. It really aint so. And I officially joined the I hate M. Fright Ramalamalinglong after The Village.

May2689's avatar

GOOD romantic comedies an horror!

JellyB's avatar

@Zen Well, i suppose we’re all entitled to our opinions…..i’ll let your comment slide ‘cause we’re friends an’ all. :P
Oops, there goes the tongue again….i can’t help it…..

Zen's avatar

@JellyB Hell, for you I’d let you pick just to go to the movies with ya.

JellyB's avatar

@Zen :D How ‘bout we make it a dvd night at home, and you have a deal! I have many of the good movies on dvd anyway…. ;)

Zen's avatar

@JellyB You got it.

Triiiple's avatar

asian horror movies > american craptastic remakes

JellyB's avatar

@Triiiple I’ve wanted to see the Japanese version of The Grudge! Or was it The Ring…..or both?!

Triiiple's avatar


The Grudge = Ju-On

The Ring = Ringu

Triiiple's avatar

@JellyB a lot of them are a lot more graphic, but i also find asian horror movies to be more psychological then anything. Suicide Club, Pulse, Visitor Q, Audition, KOMA movies like that are really mind bending.

JellyB's avatar

@Triiiple I’ve not heard of those you mention….but, psychological horrors are good!

VS's avatar

I like psychological thrillers to any other kind of film. But I’ll take a good comedy any day, too. Favorites of mine: Gothika, The Sixth Sense, Meet the Fockers

Bluefreedom's avatar

Action, Drama, Comedy, Suspense, Adventure movies

MacBean's avatar

Horror. It’s very rarely done correctly or well, but when it is, it’s the best. I also like anything very psychological.

kevinhardy's avatar

all kinds of horror
scifi, fantasy, horror , comedy, romance
some anime

Pol_is_aware's avatar

@Zen, The Village was a masterpiece of originality, IMHO.
My favorite genre is tragicomedy: such films as: I (heart) Huckabees, Royal Tennenbaums, Rushmore, Sideways..

Zen's avatar

@Pol_is_aware We shall have to agree to disagree abou the Village. Do you like pistachio Ice Cream?

Pol_is_aware's avatar

@zen I haven’t tried it, but I don’t think I would. Cool Ranch Dorritos ice cream sounds better

Zen's avatar

@Zen I didn’t think so. Everyone has different tastes. :-)

schnitzengiggles's avatar

Dark comedies are my favorite.

Triiiple's avatar

The Village sucked, it was ripped from a book that i read in like 5th grade. I think he got sued over it.

sweetteaindahouse's avatar

Any kind of comedies.

andreasjenssylvester's avatar

Dystopian sci-fis and cheerleading movies! Gimme a bring it on, Sugar and Spice or Fired Up for dinner and Dark City or Blade Runner for dessert! Now if only someone were to make a movie set in the future where all disputes were settled by betting on robotic cheerleaders….

MacBean's avatar

@andreasjenssylvester: I would watch that movie. At least twice.

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