When a user is ejected from Fluther, what happens to their profile?
I’m not sure if this is how it works here, but it looks like, when someone is banned from Fluther, their profile is taken down. Is that how it works?
When people are ejected from Askville, their profiles, including their histories, remain, although they get a generic avatar and they can no longer access their account.
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19 Answers
As far as I can tell, the profile is deleted, or at least when you try to access the profile, you are met with the default error screen with a picture of Andrew (I believe). I’m not sure what happens to comments both public and private – one person I was talking to left and his comments left as well, but he could have simply deleted them before closing his account.
You can search and find banned users, like zack
When you click on the link that the search returned for zack
, then yes, you do see Ben’s “Oh no! Not found!” error page.
Of course, had I been able to find that page, I could have noticed it was Ben and not Andrew. Sorry :)
[Mod says] When a user is suspended or banned the profile is disabled. This is a relatively new feature.
But does that mean it’s just removed from our view? Or from everyone’s, even you mods and bendrew?
Yeah, it’s a little confusing when you read someone’s post, then try to access their profile (to see what else they might be up to), and get a 404.
Mods can see the history, but not the public profile page. All the information is retained, so if a member is suspended, for instance, the profile will be reactivated once suspension is over.
Also, I think the founders are working on a better solution than the error page we currently use, but don’t quote me on that.
@augustlan , good info. I think it would be useful to know if someone has been booted permanently or merely given a time out. But at least we know you guys are on it.
I still think that some sort of badge or color border or something should be visible on special user avatars.
Mods, ambassadors, and other Fluther volunteers should be readily identifiable as such.
Banned users, too.
Even bendrew shouldn’t appear in a discussion just like everyone else… I think that’s disingenuous for the newer users.
@robmandu: I wouldn’t mind having the mods have a little colored star near their name, or something someone could click on to find a mod. Even just a page that lists them all and the issues they each deal with. But anything bigger than the lurve star is out in my book, along with borders or anything. I don’t find it disingenuous, I’m more concerned with them being treated differently. If a border only appeared on [Mod says] posts, then I’d like it.
But to be treated or pointed out as different from the collective at all times hardly seems fair.
and yay, bendrew!
Yes, I had two in my lurve & I noticed today that they’re gone.
I know they don’t get removed from your fluther. I asked a similar question a few weeks ago and was sort of met with the idea that it was a bug.
Colored names for staff is a good idea. Red for founders, orange for mods.
We’re going to be changing the behavior. So.. yeah… sorry for the 404’s.
@asmonet: “bendrew”? have to agree with robmandu… That in it self deserves alot of lurve!!
Hiya Ben & Andrew! “bendrew” Now, that made me smile<giggle> Gosh, it’s good to be back!!!!! My apologies for going off track.
@andrew, I don’t care about the behavior of the 404’s. Just the users…
@andrew: I notice you avoided the celebrity couple commentary. :P
A few of us have used the term bendrew, I highly doubt I was the first as thre’s no way of knowing. But I’ll take the lurve just the same guys. :)
As for the 404’s, I find it aggravating, mainly because on banned users sometimes I like to click around and read the train wreck, curiosity I guess. Plus, I like to see how things develop, how it gets cooled down, writing styles so I can avoid em later… Yeah. I have a inFluther hobby. :)
We prepare a type of voodoo doll, we do a couple of things with it, a ritual involving goat blood, killing a roaster and a cow’s toungue, just to keep things clear and fair, if you read in the local newspaper (if any left) and find something about an unexplained death, you will know, that person was kicked out of fluther…
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