Any suggestions to make my jury duty fun and interesting?
NOTE: I’m not looking to get out of it. I’m fine doing my service.
I don’t think I’ve ever done jury duty, as I’ve moved around a lot. Any fun stories to share? What did you enjoy about the process?
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18 Answers
During my questioning, I told the court that our drug laws were born of racism, and that the court was validating racism in the law with every crack trial. Half of the other juror prospects agreed.
Here in San Diego, it’s deadly dull – at least the actual voir dire process is. You can’t read a book, listen to an iPod, or do anything but sit. I end up counting ceiling tiles…
Waiting to get called for a voir dire isn’t so bad- the waiting room is huge with lots of books, places to plug in a laptop, etc.
Sorry, what is voir dire?
“Sorry, what is voir dire?”
The whole process where a bunch of people sit in the courtroom and get questioned to see whether they’ll be picked for the jury or not.
I have jury duty next week. Where I live it’s One day or One trial. I’ve never been selected for a jury. I’ve wanted to be. The last time I plead hardship, but now my office is able to run without me, so maybe I’ll see if I can get picked. Of course that’ll be hell on my fluthering! Maybe I should plead hardship???
Your Honor, if I serve, I won’t be able to fluther, and if I can’t fluther, I’ll go insane.
We’ll take that chance.
stand up every five minutes and shout “guilty!”
or interrupt the lawyers asking to order some pizza and whether you’re allowed to smoke in the court.
I have no idea how this could ever be fun and still be legal, sorry.
Show up in just a thong and sneakers.
My cousin always brings a bible to read and is excused immediately.
I bring a small pochade box and paint.
OOH OOH OOH! I forgot to mention…
Tomorrow is April Fool’s Day! I wonder what crazy ideas we could come up with, just for fun. Kind of along the lines of Jack’s ideas, above. It will give me some things to fantasize about and maybe even do – so I don’t have to count ceiling tiles.
Good for you that you’re not trying to get out of it… I never even get called, and it makes me pouty. :(
Try to guess what the judge is wearing under that robe.
Do the wave with all the jurors.
Watch “run away jury” and do the same things they did.
UPDATE: my jury summons said to call the night before to see if I’m needed, and I’m not. I won’t get the chance tomorrow to take your suggestions, but I appreciate your offering them – this was fun. (And I learned what voir dire is.)
Bring paper, make lists. Make origami or paper planes from the lists.
I used to think that serving on a jury was something to avoid. Then I got picked just last month to serve. It was a two day event. I enjoyed it, it was interesting. A way to learn about the law that doesn’t involve watching that dreck on TV. I think everyone should have to serve at least once in their lives, and if you find it boring, I hope you never have to go to court and have your fate decided by a jury.
I took my jury duty serious, and now I am glad that I did. It was worth my time.
either add “thats what she said”
or “NAKED”
onto the end of things people say.
it gets interesting…
and people look at you funny when you burst out laughing.
I’m hoping future posts on this question are meant for other jellies who are summoned to jury duty in the future. You all do read the posts above, right?
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