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Jeruba's avatar

While times are tough, will we see an upsurge in interest in jigsaw puzzles?

Asked by Jeruba (56259points) March 31st, 2009

During both the bank panic and business depression of 1907 and the early years of the Great Depression (1932–33), the U.S. was caught up in a jigsaw puzzle craze. So says the book I’m reading, The Jigsaw Puzzle: Piecing Together a History, by Anne D. Williams. Jigsaw puzzles were both inexpensive and absorbing entertainment. Not only did many families work puzzles together but large-scale puzzles became popular entertainment for guests in high society.

Puzzles used to be finely cut in wood. For a while there, puzzle cutting was a lucrative cottage industry. For a modest investment, a young woman (it was mostly women) or family could own a scroll saw and obtain supplies to cut puzzles at home. They sold for about one cent per piece.

People who couldn’t afford to go out to movies and restaurants or buy books and toys could find hours of challenging diversion in working puzzles while also keeping their minds off their troubles. When finished, they’d have a wonderful sense of accomplishment and could also enjoy the sight of an exotic landscape or glamorous scene that was beyond their reach.

Cheap as they were, they were still a luxury to many, and so puzzle-buying groups formed and people shared their purchases. There were also many lending libraries that charged a very small fee. In Maine, milkmen delivered puzzles to eager customers along with dairy products.

When die-cut cardboard puzzles came along, they became a pastime most families could afford.

Is now the time for another wave of enthusiasm for jigsaw puzzles? There are still plenty of manufacturers out there, both of cardboard and luxury wooden puzzles for all ages and interests. Is there any sign yet of a new craze forming? Do you know anyone who’s taken up puzzles lately (besides me)? Have you noticed more displays in stores? Nobody can watch TV all the time.

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9 Answers

loser's avatar

Maybe! It sounds kind of fun to me!!!

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

Hmmm…I had never thought about that before. Makes sense. Although low tech entertainment is lost on many youths today.

tinyfaery's avatar

I have always liked jigsaw puzzles, except now I do them on my iPhone.

Jeruba's avatar

on your…iPhone…did I hear you right??

VzzBzz's avatar

I hope so, I always enjoyed those that would take up an entire dining room table. Great fun memories with my ex mother-in-law as we’d spend the afternoon talking and drinking great quantities of boxed wine.

tinyfaery's avatar

@Jeruba Yes. There are lots of jigsaw puzzle apps, and crosswords too. :)

augustlan's avatar

My girls and I love to do them, but we never finish in one day, or even two. Since we have cats, and no puzzle storage device, we’re forever losing pieces. Very frustrating!

Trustinglife's avatar

I haven’t done a puzzle since I was a kid. I’d do it with others… don’t think I’d do it again alone unless electricity was not working.

jonsblond's avatar

Money was tight for my birthday this year, so my husband bought me several puzzles from the dollar store. I thought it was really sweet of him to do so because I was expecting to not get a thing.

There is also a game called Puzzle Arcade for the xbox that I enjoy playing with my family. We spent 4 hours doing a puzzle last night.

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