General Question

asmonet's avatar

I'm off to an interview, care to share your last minute tips?

Asked by asmonet (21470points) April 1st, 2009

I have an interview in an hour and a half, I have everything, and I’ve got an outfit, a smile, and my awesome self. But I wanted some last minute pointers. It has been two years since I interviewed for anything.

Anything you got from firm handshake to complicated advice, I’m all ears.

Specifically, I am interviewing for a position as a saleswoman in an AT&T Certified Reseller…or something like that. Basically, I’ll sell phones and junk.

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57 Answers

Judi's avatar

If I know you, you will do fantastic! Good luck!

Curious404's avatar

Share your take at what makes or breaks a retail sales experience for you as a consumer. Use that story to show your fantastic skills and relating to others.

Lots of luck to you!!

discover's avatar

Do not be stiff. Be yourself. Keep speaking to others so that you will get used to the atmosphere. Make sure you have eye contact. All the best!!

Harp's avatar

Bring your ZING! Seriously, best of luck!

Amoebic's avatar

Keep your calm.
Speak evenly (not too fast).
Steady, even breaths.
Don’t answer what you think they’d like to hear – they’ll see that for what it is.
They may ask you your 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses—don’t say “workaholic” (even if you are).

good luck!!

Mr_M's avatar

Show them all the different ways you can say “Can you hear me now?”.

fireside's avatar

Don’t be afraid to pause and think about an answer to a question.
Thoughtfulness is more important than a quick reply.

Judi's avatar

@Mr_M ; That’s Verizon. She probably wouldn’t get the job, silly monkey!

Lupin's avatar

@asmonet Good Luck. When you get it, will you be offering Jelly discounts?

asmonet's avatar

@Lupin: Of course! ;)

qashqai's avatar

Good luck.
Look confident, and sure of what you can bring it on board if they hire you.

If your interviewer will perceive it, you’re half way there.

asmonet's avatar

Okay, I’m off!
Thanks guys!

fireside's avatar

Good Luck!

cookieman's avatar

Hey, best of luck. Fingers crossed.

Let us know how it goes

aprilsimnel's avatar

Aw, darn! I missed telling her to look ‘em in the eye and smile! Eh, she knows that, though, don’t she?

Likeradar's avatar

Good luck! Let us know!

casheroo's avatar

I’m sure you’ll do great!

Mr_M's avatar

Tell them you know ME!!!

kevbo's avatar

Cleavage Confidence.

asmonet's avatar

@kevbo: No worries, dear. I had a tasteful amount of both. ;)

Thanks everyone. :)
It went really well and as I was leaving I heard him say he “liked her the best.” to the head of HR. So, sounds good. :)

augustlan's avatar

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

cak's avatar

@asmonetof course he like you best…after all, you are asmonet!

aprilsimnel's avatar

::claps!:: w00t!

casheroo's avatar

that’s a good sign, i hope they call you back soon!

asmonet's avatar



asmonet's avatar

Jesus, all us 10Kers are gonna be climbing out of a helluva hole.

augustlan's avatar

Haha! “Asmonet is constructing some kind of drivel…”

cak's avatar

@asmonet – oh wow! But the negative lurve makes my score look so much better! ;) (I’m on the slow and steady wins the race, plan!)

asmonet's avatar

@augustlan: Meanie.

@cak: You’ll get here someday, you’re too good not to.

augustlan's avatar

Did anyone else notice Dr. J’s angry eyebrows?

fireside's avatar

He’s not smiling either

cak's avatar

@asmonetthank you! I guess I should try asking some questions!

@augustlando you think if I gave him so birthday cake he would be happy? Angry Dr J scares me!

Mr_M's avatar

@asmonet, are you sure you heard he “liked her best”? Or was it he “liked her breasts”?

asmonet's avatar

Either way… JK, totes the first one. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

Did you remember to put on some deorderant at least? I doubt you can do anything about that hair, maybe a wig would be a good idea.

Nimis's avatar

Likes you best.

Zen's avatar

Brush your teeth. Smile.

Judi's avatar

@asmonet; Have they called you back yet?

asmonet's avatar

I find out today or tomorrow. :)

casheroo's avatar

@asmonet i’m sure you got it how could they resist you

aprilsimnel's avatar

::Crosses fingers and toes::

ShauneP82's avatar

Be yourself and try to enjoy the experience.

asmonet's avatar


I got a call back about a half hour ago. While they’d love me for the sales position they actually want to put me in their call center, they have too many applicants for sales but liked me so much they thought they could put me to good use considering my almost four years of experience being an operator / working with phones. Apparently, after talking to my friends in the company I found out that no one gets the call center. It’s rare they ask someone to go there, a woman who’s been working for them for nine years just got her transfer to that department approved.

The call center has better hours, more money and I’ll have my own desk and get to sit on my ass all day.

I have an interview with that department head tomorrow at 2PM, which as the HR Director put it is more of a formality because they have to have an interview done. Anyway, I’m gonna treat it like a real interview, formality or not.

But things look good. :)

fireside's avatar

Woo Hoo! Nice going, Ms. H!

Maybe you’ll have Fluther access from your desk too :)

asmonet's avatar

Oh, that would be Heaven, until I got fired for the stuff that goes down in Campfire. :D

casheroo's avatar

awesome! sounds like they loved you.

aprilsimnel's avatar

If you could see my thumbs, they’d be up. Waaaay up! :D

Good luck!

augustlan's avatar

Yay! Good luck!

asmonet's avatar


I’ll update – again. Obviously. After today. :)

asmonet's avatar

I got the job!

35–40K, 9 to 5, hell yeah!

Thanks everyone. :)

Harp's avatar

Sweet! Congratulations!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I guess soon you’ll need an iPhone! Congratulations!

fireside's avatar

Very nice!

asmonet's avatar

@aprilsimnel: You’re a cake goddess.

Thanks guys. :)

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