When it comes to questions you are interested in?
that you feel the urge to answer, do you read everybody else’s comments before or after you give your answer? If there are quite a few answers already given, I read a couple to see the tone of them, whether anyone has already answered what I intended to say, but then I will skip down and write my answer first, and then go back afterwards and read everyone else’s comments.
This to me keeps my thoughts as I intended, and allows me to keep my mind on the task at hand. Sometimes I am easily distracted, and it just works better this way for me. Does anyone else do this, or do you read everyone else’s answer before putting your own? It has come up on occasion that is not the way the asker would like it to be done. I just wonder if there is a protocol here that I have somehow missed.
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18 Answers
I try not to read anyone else’s comments until I post my own thoughts.
I’m lazy and don’t see the use in repeating what others said. So I read everything first.
i read through most of them first.
i usually read the answers, in case i interpreted the question incorrectly. but, if it’s a basic poll like question, i don’t always read all the answers.
same here folks. read first then answer and for much the same reasons given above. btw, i don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing if some of the responses end up shaping your response. i would think that’s a value of the site – learning from what others have to write. just don’t end up being redundant i would say.
I will read most of them, but if someone is particularly long winded I might skip them.
@judi then you’ve missed some of my best work! that’s ok…
The only long winded person I ever read fully is dalepetree. He is brilliant.
Usually I read through them. Lots of times I even wait for another person to finish posting to see what their response is also. I tend to find myself waiting in line behind Harp a lot and his answers usually spur more thoughts tha i want to add to my originals.
If the thread is one that I get to late, sometimes I will just post my own thoughts and then go back to read the others. More of a time management thing than preservation of ideas.
My big problem is editing. I’m always posting and then reading and editing. You’d think I’d learn.
I skim and casually read, but I usually don’t read them all unless I’m very interested in the question and it’s not a poll type where repeat answers don’t do too much damage. If the thread is over a certain number of posts or if the discussion has changed directions a bit, I will read all the comments before making mine, if I choose to comment at all.
Of course, once I am in a discussion, I pay close attention to the comments being made.
I usually read through all the answers before responding. I will normally have already formulated a response in my mind before I start reading others’ answers and rarely does anyone’s response change what I have planned to say, but occasionally it does. Sometimes the responses will clarify an issue, so I think it’s important to read the answers before answering myself. I’m a pretty good proof reader so I find I don’t edit much.
I don’t believe there’s a protocol per se… the whole point is to be able to express your thought on the subject without bias. Whatever way of answering works best for you is the right way to do it. If you prefer not to read every answer before to keep your train of thought.. good for you. if you’d like to see what others have written and respond accordingly… that’s great too. The whole point is for you to share your POV which is what makes your opinion unique.
There is no wrong answer.. unless you’re trolling… in which case you’re not my friend anymore and I’m going to TP your house.
I either read through or skim all the answers. I’m looking to see if anyone has already said what I want to say. I hate it when people repeat answers; it seems discourteous to me. If you can’t add something new to the discussion, don’t post.
Most of the time I do not find anyone who has said what I want to, at least, not exactly. Occasionally, if Jeruba or CAK or GAIL or Harp or one of the other really wise folks have gotten there already, then I can be pretty sure I won’t be needed.
Occasionally, I know my view is so much a kind of inside-out turn from the conventional thinking, that there will always be a place for me. I always feel a little bit out of it, because I am so often at odds with what people think. Thankfully, this is the internet, and I’m anonymous, and no one is likely to come looking for me and proclaiming me the antichrist…. or whatever.
I usually post my own thoughts first because I’m afraid I’ll lose what I was going to say bad short term memory. But because of a few recent threads in which not reading the answers caused some confusion for others, I’ve been trying to at least scan before posting.
What were we talking about?
Depends. When the question is likely to generate a highly stimulating debate I read (almost) everything before I answer.
I now proclaim daloon as the anti-christ. Quick, someone get the torches, I’ve got the pitchforks!
Ooh. Ooh. I’ve always wanted a pitchfork. Now who are we going after? What? Oh dear. That’s gonna hurt!
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