INteresting point @oratio. In the last year I experienced my thoughts being controlled by chemicals. It wasn’t just my mood that was controlled, but actual specific thoughts.
I think the freedom of thought is an illusion that makes us feel like we have choices. Perhaps we do, to some extent. But our thoughts are constrained much more, I believe, that we are aware of.
Freedom is a strange word. It implies a lack of constraint on anything. Of course, our choices are constrained all the time – starting with the physical laws of our universe, and moving on to constraints of local environment, social constraints, brain chemistry constraintes, and on and on.
Where is freedom in all that? I suppose it is relative, that given all those things, do you have less constraints than others, or more?
We like to think that inside our brains, we can think whatever we want. It is totally free. Our imaginations can run free. No one can see inside anyone else’s head. No one can control your thoughts.
These last two things, we now know, are not true. We can see inside people’s heads, using fMRI. We can control thoughts if we administer certain chemicals.
My real answer is that a tinfoil hat is not going to help me, because aliens aren’t the problem. It’s other human beings and their knowledge of the architecture and chemistry of my brain that is the problem, enabling them, now, to invade my thoughts and tell me what to think.
So they have done, and I am grateful, because I probably wouldn’t be alive if they hadn’t. But the result is that I am no longer the “natural” me. I think things that will keep me alive, and the natural “me” would have killed himself.
Does that make everything I say suspect? We know my thoughts are being controlled by the Lithium. Who is the “real” me? My thoughts have been touched. They are no longer free. Can you trust me?