Have you notice the Fluther Gods' April Fool's joke?
Asked by
janbb (
April 1st, 2009
(Hint: Check out your Lurve and the Great Answer link.)
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14 Answers
(hangs head in shame. Thanks for letting me know, Judi.)
And the question shouuld read “noticed”. Bad Jan, bad bad Jan.
@jonsblond thanks! (We “J’s” have to stick together, right Judi?)
@janbb I’ll have to give you unlurve for a bad question! :)
I wonder if @jonsblond really starts with a j too?
Will the real “J’s” please stand up?
(And I“m supposed to be wporking today!)
@Judi It really does! Not only am I a true blonde, but I’m also a true J.
Is it true J’s have more fun? (Or was that blonds?)
I’m not Blond any more, But I still seem to be having fun, just not turning heads as quickly, but quick enough for pushing 50.
Oh, that’s funny! Great one guys!!!
I noticed the negative lurve after a good double take but I didn’t see ‘Bad Question’ part until I read your question’s details. Funny, you Fluther guys. Very funny. =)
I hate April Fool’s Day. Some of these so-called jokes are so d*mn bad they almost make YARNLADY want to swear. Oh, my God, I almost said the D word.
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