Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Have you notice the Fluther Gods' April Fool's joke?

Asked by janbb (63346points) April 1st, 2009

(Hint: Check out your Lurve and the Great Answer link.)

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14 Answers

Judi's avatar

The party’s over HERE

janbb's avatar

(hangs head in shame. Thanks for letting me know, Judi.)

And the question shouuld read “noticed”. Bad Jan, bad bad Jan.

jonsblond's avatar

@janbb We still lurve you!

janbb's avatar

@jonsblond thanks! (We “J’s” have to stick together, right Judi?)

jonsblond's avatar

@janbb I’ll have to give you unlurve for a bad question! :)

Judi's avatar

I wonder if @jonsblond really starts with a j too?

janbb's avatar

Will the real “J’s” please stand up?

(And I“m supposed to be wporking today!)

jonsblond's avatar

@Judi It really does! Not only am I a true blonde, but I’m also a true J.

Judi's avatar


janbb's avatar

Is it true J’s have more fun? (Or was that blonds?)

Judi's avatar

I’m not Blond any more, But I still seem to be having fun, just not turning heads as quickly, but quick enough for pushing 50.

loser's avatar

Oh, that’s funny! Great one guys!!!

Bluefreedom's avatar

I noticed the negative lurve after a good double take but I didn’t see ‘Bad Question’ part until I read your question’s details. Funny, you Fluther guys. Very funny. =)

YARNLADY's avatar

I hate April Fool’s Day. Some of these so-called jokes are so d*mn bad they almost make YARNLADY want to swear. Oh, my God, I almost said the D word.

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