@chicadelplaya: We inhabit a kind of inside-out Alice in Wonderland world. The problem is that when you don’t feel good about yourself and you care for other people, you have to keep them away, because you really don’t want to hurt them. A little pain now is better than a lot of pain later.
It is difficult to feel positive or to even hope when you feel like this. It is dangerous to hope. So it is better to assume things are bad and getting worse, and anyone who says different just doesn’t understand, and that makes us angry.
WHy can’t you get it through your thick skull that, despite the fact that I want to be loved, I can’t let you love me? Shit! I hate writing this stuff. It reminds me of…
THe best I can do, is just let it be. It’s there, and it hurts, but I don’t have to pay attention to it. WHen I don’t pay attention to all that shit I think about myself, I look fine, and really, I am fine.
The moment someone directs my attention to it, by complimenting me, or asking me to evaluate myself or someone else, it all comes tearing back, irresistably. The horrible part is that I want to be told I’m doing well. But it ties me up in knots when it happens, because I want it, but I don’t believe it, but I should believe it, but I can’t be around people who create this turmoil inside.
It’s not your fault, and you’re not doing anything wrong. We each have to find our own way of coping with it. My way is to try to desensitize myself. Maybe @jo_with_no_space is right when she says it’ll get thicker, but I can’t afford to hope for that or think that. If it happens, it’ll happen, and I’ll have to not notice it happening (while knowing it is happening). It’s this delicate balancing act of not-noticing.
Make sense? Probably not. Well, they don’t call me nuts for nothing.