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desiree333's avatar

Why Can't I Uninstal My Anti-Virus Software?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) April 1st, 2009

I have a Dell inspiron that recently broke down while I had Webroot Spy Sweeper With Anti-Virus. I backed up my computer and fixed it, but it deleted all my files and information. I still have Webroot but now it wont open. I checked on my security status and everything is on, but it will not open, so I cant do any security sweeps. I still have a instalation of Webroot left but it wont let me install Webroot because apparently my current Webroot is running. So I tried uninstalling my Webroot, but it won’t let me because it says its running. Can anyone tell me how I can either find a way to uninstal my current Webroot so I can install a new one, or how I can get my current Webroot to work??? I cant risk not having any protection.

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9 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Take a look at your systray next to the clock at the lower right of your screen.
If there is an icon for webroot, right mouse click it and there should be an option for “exit” or some such.

Also you can try pressing ctrl-alt-del and bring up the task manager.
Click on the processes tab and if anything saying “webroot”, terminate the process.

Then uninstall should work.

desiree333's avatar

the only option for the webroot icon are help, or restore

ill try the second option

desiree333's avatar


I went onto the task manager and under the tab “processes” theres a list of programs I guess. One of them says “Spy SweeperU…” and the description says “SpySwee…”. Theres a button that says “end process”, should I end the process of the “SpySweeperU…”? Im not sure if its the webroot or the windows defender.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I think you’ll be ok if you terminate that process. It’s likely that is the one.

lorinda's avatar

i have the same problem with my webroot just like The_Compassionate_Heretic. i have a acer pc. with microsoft vista home windows

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