General Question

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

What's your everyday routine?

Asked by Lothloriengaladriel (1560points) April 1st, 2009 from iPhone

On a normal day I:
Wake up at 5:45am
Start work at 7am
Leave work at 3:30pm
Either stop at home or grab something to eat until 4:30
Off to school at 5:00–9:00 (after school I go home, usually go to sleep around 10pm)
When I don’t have school I usually go out and drink coffee with a friend and rent a movie or stay at home and watch tv or play video games.. It’s very much a routine..

Your turn!

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4 Answers

mirifique's avatar

Wake up 6:45 am
Get to work by 8
Leave work by 5
Get home 530, eat snack, read opinions page of WSJ
Run from 6 to 7, get groceries, shower
7:30–9 cook, eat, watch a DVD
9:30 read
fall asleep 1030

Jude's avatar

Alarm goes off at 5:30, hit snooze 3 times, remove cat who is usually lying somewhere across my body (across arm, on my hip, his head on neck/his body on my pillow – sometimes the reverse – yikes!), let dog out, fed cat/dog, sit at my kitchen table and have a cup o’ joe whilst staring out the window – staring at pretty much nothing (trying to wake up) for 10 minutes, shower, eat, get all purdy for work, hope into my ve-hicle and drive to work whilst listening to dr. joy brown (lurve her).

Arrive at work to teach my minions for the day (take swigs from the flask of Jameson in my desk, periodically). Dismissal at 3:30. Drive home.

Get home, drop everything (purse, leaving a trail of clothing throughout my pad), change into running clothes, grab ipod and go for a run!, come home, shower, check mail/eat/talking on the phone (multitasking my ass off)—sometimes dinner/drinks planned throughout the work week, spend time with my “lady friend”—plan the next day’s lesson, FLUTHER! :), around 10ish—take the dog out for a pee, read, brush “teef” /wash “mug” (remove make-up), change, and climb into bed (11:30 in the p.m.), aller au lit.

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

@jmah that’s so ideal.. (:

tiffyandthewall's avatar

on the average school day:
i’m usually grunting something unintelligible at my mother at about 6ish, and getting out of bed by 6:15ish. then i basically chug my coffee, pull clothes out and change my mind about them for another like 15 minutes (even when i picked an outfit i thought was great the night before). this is when i realize i’m running late, so then i try to get my hair to look decent, then usually (unless i’m super late) i’ll put eyeliner on (but i’m rushing, so one eye is uneven, and then i redo it, but now, goddammit, the other eye is off, so i have to redo both until they’re a pretty decent match).

usually i’m getting to school anywhere between 7:10 and right as the bell is ringing. i write notes to my friends in american history, complain and sleep through environmental, actually pay attention in english, freeze nearly to death in euro ( while trying to look decent because there’s a cutie i’ve got my eye on in there (((: ), wish i was anywhere but chemistry during 5th hour, do my math homework during lunch usually, laugh at the kid in front of me during math/take notes, and then wish 7th hour didn’t have to end, because it is the best class ever.

when i get home at like 3:30, if my friend doesn’t call me, i’ll go online real quick, have something to eat, and usually take a nap until like 6:30–8:30 depending on how much homework i have (or am planning to actually do). homework, computer, phone, crochet, etc after that until i fall asleep anywhere between 11pm and like 4am.


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