General Question

Zen's avatar

What's your favourite magazine? What do you especially like about it?

Asked by Zen (7758points) April 2nd, 2009

Mine’s Time, but I love all magazines. Just the format excites me, and I find something intersting in almost any one I come across.

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12 Answers

Myndecho's avatar

New scientist magazine.
For what I expect from a science magazine it’s mediocre, comparing it to other magazines such as Heat you can see why I buy it, I don’t care about celebrates I care about science.

jonsblond's avatar

Lake Superior Magazine, Outdoor Magazine and Backpacker. Are you sensing a theme?

StellarAirman's avatar

EDGE, a gaming magazine from the UK. It has much more in-depth articles and more interesting topics covered than any American magazine on gaming I’ve ever read. There are few advertisements, just tons of content. They are really expensive, about $8 an issue, but completely worth it to me.

JellyB's avatar

The only magazines i buy are word puzzle magazines. I love words games and numbers puzzles and things :)

VS's avatar

The only magazine I still have a subscription to is NatGeo. I used to get Taste of Home, Gourmet, Cooking Light, Southern Living (I HATE their new format!), and off and on I have gotten Martha Stewart, Sailing, and Psychology Today. I continue to get NatGeo because I just can’t stop that subscription. I have been getting it since 1971. I donated all the old issues to a nursing home a few years ago. Probably time to clean those out again.

VzzBzz's avatar

There was one when I was a kid called, OMNI. The National Geographic and Smithsonian though I don’t have subscriptions.

classyfied's avatar

Scientific American, Popular Science, and Discover (in that order). I occasionally buy Time, Newsweek, PC World, and some random gaming magazines, but unfortunately I can’t afford to subscribe to them all, haha.

LaurenLauren's avatar

@JellyB me too!!
im addicted, and once i start on my new puzzle or word magazine, i can’t put it down until im completely finished!!

JellyB's avatar

@LaurenLauren He he! Yes, i get excited over new puzzles….. ;P

Nimis's avatar

Make Magazine.

Flipping through the pages, you can almost feel the hum of curiosity.
It’s a great mix of childhood imagination with more adult (not porn) skill sets.

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