General Question

kevbo's avatar

What are examples of fields, professions or roles that affect change primarily through intuitive or "channeling" type methodologies? (See details)

Asked by kevbo (25680points) April 2nd, 2009

Real world examples that you’ve experienced, heard about or know of. I’m thinking of things like acupuncture, various “healers” (shamans, perhaps), feng shui, creative visualization—anything that might influence individuals, environments or cultural spheres on a level other than conventional paths such as language, law, marketing, medicine, etc.

If you have detail to share, so much the better.

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9 Answers

noelasun's avatar

I’m not sure if I’m understanding correctly,
But acupuncture and things like feng shui take a lot of study and understanding of the pricipals and systems behind it in order to practice.

If you meet either praticer that claims it is intuitive, I’d suggest you be highly skeptical and find a second opinion.

kevbo's avatar

Thanks @noelasun, I’m somewhat ignorant on the subject, so I’d welcome a wide range of responses including yours. I guess I’d expand my question to include… “metaphysical systems(?)” Anyway, your clarification is welcomed.

cwilbur's avatar

Software project management. It’s all guesswork reified with technobabble.

Judi's avatar

@kevbo; If you were a newbee I would swear this was a homework question. You are speaking that confusing professor speak.

Judi's avatar

Would a disney imagineer be an example?

kevbo's avatar

Yeah, I’ll take that as an answer. Thanks!

jo_with_no_space's avatar

I would have said spiritual healing, in a very real way.

fireside's avatar

Interior Decorating
Graphic Design
Pet Psychologist
Yoga Instructor
Aura Reading
Life Coach

markylit's avatar

I think the Landscape designer is one great profession where you can combine art and science to blend natural and man made elements to beautify outdoor surroundings. It calls for great artistic and analytic excellence to change environments and surroundings. Landscape designers combine knowledge of horticulture and gardening to help parks bloom in cities, design green space for suburban areas, restore wetlands, or combine architecture with trees, flowers, or structures to accent buildings.

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