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How do I tell the guy I love that I'm 19 years older than him?
I met this man over a year ago and we had an instant attraction. Neither one of us new each others age. I was married at the time going through a divorce. We became really good friends but only see each other when I go to his work to see him. I know he wants to date me and is looking for marriage and kids. He knows that I’m older but I dont think he really knows how much older I am. He once told me that he dont think age is a problem just the fact that he dont think I want kids or marriage. I never told him anything different but I would want those things if its with the right person. I have fallen very much in love with him and he is a very wonderful guy not like most men who just want one thing. He has been patient and a real gentlemen. I dont even feel like were a different age. We like the same things music, sports, football, kids etc. I dont ever want to live my life without him. How do I tell him my age or should I wait until he ask me? I care about him more than anything and never want to hurt him. I never really expected to fall in love with him. I know he has feelings for me also and has been waiting for me to be free. Please let me know what I should do?
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