Meta Question

essieness's avatar

Don't the trolls realize that the mods aren't the only ones who decide which questions should be modded?

Asked by essieness (7703points) April 2nd, 2009

We all have the power to flag questions we think are troll-like or inflammatory. Please don’t take it all out on the mods. Realize you are a part of a community and need to be respectful of it’s members.

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16 Answers

adreamofautumn's avatar

Damn right :).

shilolo's avatar

Don’t assume a certain level of sanity (or any, for that matter).

EmpressPixie's avatar

The trolls are morons. It takes them a while to get the message.

Ivan's avatar

Who’s being a troll?

Dog's avatar

Hell Yes!
Flag baby flag!

Let’s wage a war on trolls!

Jude's avatar

Wondering the same as Ivan. Has there been a troll around lately?

forestGeek's avatar

Is this war on Goblins, Gnomes, Ewoks, Gremlins, and Oompa Loompas as well, or are we strictly battling Trolls here? :)

VzzBzz's avatar

When I researched fluther on google, a wikipedia page came up that said fluther was founded by the Progressive Fundamentalist Jews For Jesus. Wow, I was really impressed then and knew this site would be made of WIN!

Dog's avatar

Yes I saw a troll and he was silenced.

Our Mods deal with a lot and are often so fast an average flutherite does not even see it.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I appreciate our moderators very much and I respect them highly for being able to carry out the sometimes difficult and unpopular tasks that they are shouldered with. Fluther is, without a doubt, one of the best or arguably the very best online community I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of. Mutual respect for each other, all around, sounds like sage advice to me.

YARNLADY's avatar

Ha! I’ve seen trolls taking their frustration out on an entire website, even though it was the “community” that made them disappear. It sort of like saying “Firefox kicked me off Fluther”, even though Firefox never even heard of Fluther.

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve been reporting more questions lately. I am now on a campaign to rid us of questions that require us to look in the details to see what they are about; the “what do you think of this?” type of question. I wish there was a standard category for flagging them.

shilolo's avatar

@daloon Keep up the good work. We appreciate all the effort you guys make in trying to keep a clean and consistent website. In summary, flag away.

VS's avatar

Trolls? We have trolls here? Say it ain’t so…
I appreciate the job the mods do here. People (newbies) make complaints about moderation and like to call it censorship. It is NOT censorship. It is moderation & as I patiently explained to one of our refugees, there is a difference between the two. Censorship sucks. Moderation keeps things civil.

NewZen's avatar

Pick me, pick me!!! Can I be a troll for a day???

wundayatta's avatar

@NewZen Of course! When could we ever deny our @NewZen anything?

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