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icehky06's avatar

Whats small and makes a good pet?

Asked by icehky06 (896points) April 2nd, 2009

I really want a pet but I have no time on my hands.Whats something easy to take care of? Like for example a shrimp.

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24 Answers

purephase's avatar

A pet rock would do nicely.

chyna's avatar

Perhaps instead of owning a pet since you don’t really have much time, a better idea might be to donate an hour or so a week at the humane society.

Dr_C's avatar

leave trash lying around your house and you’ll have lots of furry little pets that will take care of themselves.
Yay rats!

icehky06's avatar

Great answer @ Dr_C, ill take it into consideration.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I have a fire shrimp thats pretty awesome. What about setting up a little 5 gallon tank for a pair of harlequin shrimp ? Theyre pretty interesting creatures and dont require a whole lot of care. Just basic tank care and feeding every couple days.

charliecompany34's avatar

shih-tzu. no doubt about it.

i mean, i think i know what you are getting at when you speak of the “no time” issue, but seriously, a small lap dog is what i think you need. see this:

chyna's avatar

@charliecompany34 Where is that place located? I mean what state?
King Charles are extra sweet!

MissAusten's avatar

If you really have no time, get a freshwater fish tank.

If you have a little time, especially in the evening or at night, a hamster might be great. I like the Siberian dwarf hamsters. I had one as a kid, and he was really sweet. They are nocturnal, so if you are gone all day your hamster won’t notice. Just give the little guy some attention in the evening, clean the cage as needed (every few days or so), and you can both keep each other happy.

If you have a little more time than that, you might want to consider a rabbit. Ideally, a rabbit shouldn’t be kept in a cage all of the time. It should get to come out and play for a few hours a day and will need a bit of attention. We have a rabbit, and I like him because he’s quiet, he’s litter trained, he’s very friendly. If you want more interaction than a fish or hamster but not the commitment of a dog, a rabbit might be a good pet.

And finally, cats are pretty self-sufficient. Change the litter box, feed the cat, and let it sit on you whenever you are around. Even better, get two cats so they can play with each other.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

A pet watch… who will also allow you to have more time on your hands. (ba dum psshh)

Tangent_J's avatar

Turtles…feed in morning before work, turn on heat light and UV light…feed at night, turn everything off…

MarshallO's avatar

There’s no point in having a “pet” of any kind, if you’re not willing to put the time and care into its upkeep.

Aquariums are not self-maintaining—they have to frequently be cleaned, etc., and most other animals require more love, care, and interaction than aquarium pets.

If you just want to look at something, get a Lava Lamp.

classyfied's avatar

Get a WowWee robot. They have some pretty realistic animal ones and they’re honestly pretty awesome.

sweetpea1204's avatar

Seriously, a little more info about how much time you do have to spend would be great. Whatever you do decide to get is going to take some of your time reguardless. You just have to decide on how much time you will have to spend everyday or everyweek and decide from there. There are certain pets that need the attention everyday and some that I’ve got a lap dog that needs our attention everyday and orange belly frogs that live in an aquarium that only need attention 2–3 times a week. You need to make your decision on the amount of time you have to spend. If you really don’t have any time. Then you really shouln’t get anything.

rooeytoo's avatar

I think if you don’t have much time but want something cuddly, I would get a cat, adopt an older lazy one from a shelter, you will save a life and have companionship!

ratboy's avatar

A crab louse. They are social animals, so adopt a colony.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

When a cat moves in, you get an adult housemate.

Darwin's avatar

A Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. If you get tired of it just let it go in your apartment and it should get along fine, even if you have a nuclear war.

Dr_C's avatar

i’d like to request a round of applause for @NaturalMineralWater ‘s answer.
Made my day!

VS's avatar

I want to give some lurve for charliecompany on the ShihTzu suggestion, but being owned by one myself, I find they are not short on demands for your time. So, I have to go along with rooeytoo’s recommendation for a shelter kitty. They require so little care, just dump that litter box regulary and feed him/her once a day.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Darwin my sister used to have them. Theyre actually pretty cool little creatures.

Darwin's avatar

@uberbatman – I used to have some, too. They make a lovely noise, are self entertaining, and never bite. They also aren’t too picky when it comes to food. However, as a low-maintenance pet they are definitely at the top of the heap. They don’t care if you are there or not, and they don’t care what they eat, and they don’t even care of their terrarium is clean. On top of that, they don’t scratch the furniture or pee on your possessions.

And they give your guests something to talk about.

MissAusten's avatar

@Darwin, my son’s preschool class had a hissing cockroach for a pet. The kids loved it!

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