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Dansedescygnes's avatar

What is something that bothers you a little, but doesn't necessarily offend?

Asked by Dansedescygnes (2881points) April 2nd, 2009

In other words, I’m not talking about a derogatory term or a strong insult, but maybe just a phrase, word, or action that is “borderline” offensive or a little offensive or just irks you.

Here’s one that irks me: the term “gay lifestyle”. It’s NEVER used positively. It’s always portrayed as something to avoid because it’s full of promiscuous sex and AIDS. And I’m talking about gay people saying this as well.

Whereas I don’t think I’ve ever heard the term “straight lifestyle” and if it existed, it would probably be used more positively and would refer to suburban houses, families, and kids.

Just something I’ve thought about.

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12 Answers

VzzBzz's avatar

When people approach me and speak to me in a language other than English, thinking I speak their languages. I’m not offended at all but rather embarrassed that I know only one language and sometimes they give me a look that seems to say, “oh, one of those… poor thing.”

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Yeah, well, I know what you mean. I will admit to being jealous of people who speak multiple languages, especially people who speak Russian and English. I could’ve learned it; my mom speaks Russian fluently and my dad understands a lot of it and can speak it somewhat. Any time I hear someone speaking Russian and English, especially a teenager, I think “gosh darn you!”

VzzBzz's avatar

@Dansedescygnes: I feel ya, I lived 7yrs with Russians who also spoke Farsi and some Hebrew and though I’m good with understanding, I can’t make a sentence to save my life. They’d always make fun of me by pointing out newcomers to the family who were learning everything so quick and showing off their skills.

LaurenLauren's avatar

what bugs me the most is when people you talk to think they know EVERYTHING. My best friend is like that sometimes. I’ll say something about a disease[which i did through research on, and even asked the doctor about]and she’ll completely think that the opposite is true, and argue for hours…

Facade's avatar

It’s more like something people don’t say. As you can see, I no longer straiten my hair. It may not seem like a big deal (and it shouldn’t be), but most of “us” relax our hair for several deeply rooted reasons I won’t get into. Women (and men) like to stare and give me a face of some sort. Sometimes it’s a look of approval, disapproval, uncertainty or whatever. It bothers me when people make it seem as though I’m in the wrong. And it’s sad that “natural” is not the norm.

LaurenLauren's avatar

it is sad that “natural” is not the norm. people should get over what they think is normal and accept everyone for who they are.

crisw's avatar

When I go into a hardware store with my husband and they ignore me and talk to him. I am the power-tool maven in this household; he doesn’t know a router bit from a rutabaga!

Facade's avatar

@crisw That is quite annoying.
I put up a new shower head in my parents’ house, and my dad was all surprised that little ole me could handle such a manly task. GTHOH

hug_of_war's avatar

people who never shut up about their cats.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

The name I go by is masculine, but not uncommon for females. At work, I answer the phone with my name. Sometimes, I get “Yeah, babe, is he there.” To which I reply, “He is a she.” Usually that invites dead silence on the other end of the phone.

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Then you won’t like me… :(

KalWest's avatar

I’d say “gay lifestyle” is also one of my top annoyances – you always seem to know where that’s going, Also – stereotyping countries by an assumed trait… things like ‘well, you know the French….”

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