Why do girls cake on their make up ?
Shouldn’t a person like you for who you are? Why is there a need to layer on cover up, foundation, and whatever else just for a look. I always believed a person should like you for you and how can the see that will all the make up.
Can someone explain why girls do this ?
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33 Answers
Self image, thanks to our perfection culture a lot of women feel the need to hide every blemish and emulate their fashion role models, I for one prefer the more natural look
I barely wear any make-up as it is now. And what got me thinking of this is a friend came up to me in the hall the other day and was asked how come I don’t wear make up? i replied I do wear make up, just not enough for you to be like oh shit, that’s alot of make up.
No clue. I don’t play that game, I’m a girl who never wears makeup. I’m talking nothing, not even a tiny bit, no chemicals are on my face. I have never ever had anything occur as a direct result of this choice, I am more successful career-wise than my peers, and I have never been openly discriminated because of it. This experiment has reinforced the fact that whatever I believe is generally best, not whatever TV or society tells me I “need” to do.
But I can clearly see why girls do this. One factor is peer pressure. Another is marketing – the sheer number of ads kids are exposed to (in teen magazines there are tons of makeup ads) hammers in the thought that girls must wear makeup. A third could be emulating what their mother does. A fourth is TV, seeing girls on TV shows putting on or talking about makeup.
I don’t find it attractive at all. I like the natural look and only use lipgloss on occasion when I go out. Mainly because my lips get very dry.
I believe that marketing and television play a big role in this. My five year old daughter does not see me put makeup on, yet she has asked me several times if she can wear makeup. She wants to look like Hannah Montana and all the other girls on tv. I constantly need to tell her that girls don’t need to wear makeup to look beautiful. Hopefully she will follow my example as she gets older and not give in to peer pressure.
I wish she still watched Dora.
Why? Because they can. Because they feel pressured to look a certain way. Because they haven’t realized that they look like a clown? okay, so that was a cheap shot! I’m with @dynamicduo on the reasons.
My daughter doesn’t wear a lot. She used to wear more, before she stopped having skin issues (breaking out, a lot.), but she can’t stand to wear it, now. She throws on a little – here and there, but nothing like she used to wear.
I don’t wear very much, either. Lip gloss, a little mascara – that’s usually about the extent of what I wear. Sometimes, I might use some of the mineral makeup I have, but I don’t wear it, all that often.
Do what works for you! I think it’s great that you are not giving in to peer pressure. :)
I’m with you… Never wear any make up and it has never been an issue in my life. I don’t ccolor my hair, either. Not so much a statement of any kind as it is an economic restraint.
Yes, they’ve said it all above. I don’t like so much make up one bit, it’s rather unattractive to me. I only wear foundation, for the blemishes that i’m struggling with now, but when that’s sorted out, i won’t wear even foundation anymore. Only lipgloss, that’s all i like.
I like when girls don’t wear so much make up because they look so much prettier in my eyes.
I wear mascara and lip gloss when im out, other then out I’m plain jane.
Why do people bathe daily? Why do they use deodorant? Shave? Wear cute clothes instead of Burkas? Same thing =/
As for the “caking” thing, it takes years to figure out how to apply it right, especially in a hurry.
I don’t know. I don’t wear any make up.
Personally, I like wearing makeup, but I don’t cake it on. I never wear foundation because I feel as if it would feel weird on my face and there are a number of girls I know who don’t look any different with foundation on. The only time I’ve ever used foundation was to make my elf ears the same color as my face. (LARPing)
However, that having been said, I absolutely adore putting makeup on sometimes. My mom never wears makeup and I didn’t really start until high school, but I think it’s so much fun. I don’t do it because I feel like I have to, but because I like putting pretty colors and glitter and sparkly stuff on my face.
Don’t get me wrong, girls can wear make up sometimes and it looks amazing but sometimes it looks down right trashy.
Sometimes people don’t realize how much make-up they actually have on. Especially if they’ve been out all day and re-applying, and re-applying, and re-applying, etc. And that will definitely give a ‘caked-on’ look.
I carry around MAC wipes (they’re just like baby wipes) and I usually take off my make-up mid day and then re-apply a fresh coat so I don’t look like Halloween came early ;)
That’s normal and most likely looks very good on you. Some girls don’t take the time to think of that or value their look.
Says the girl with massive false eyelashes and pink hair in her avatar?
funnny, my eyelashes are real.
and my hair was pink for a show. thanks
Either way, to some, myself included you’re wearing way too much mascara. Real lashes or no, it’s too much.
And I highly doubt they’re real, you can see the glue strip when you enlarge the picture, I mean honestly. Never mind that your hair is dyed, the reason is irrelevant. Everyone has a reason.
Point is, it’s all subjective.
HAHA, the glue line. Honestly learn a thing or two about makeup. because if im sitting here saying how i don’t like when girls cake on make up or where alot why the hell would i buy fake eyelashes which are like seven bucks everytime.
I mean honeslty, think a little before you talk.
& I’m glad you dont like my look cause I’d rather not have a 40 year old weirdo liking a 18 year old girl.
@kayysamm you made a question about girls who cake on their makeup. In your avatar, your make up is caked on. Now, it may not be caked on, in your opinion…but you are the one judging other girls on how much make up they’re wearing, so you should be prepared to be judged for how much make up YOU are wearing.
And, you are wearing an insane around of eye make up. I see mascara, eyeliner, under eye cover up. At your age, do you really think you need all that make up? Why is yours not considered “caked on” or “trashy” because it looks like it to me.
Also, why do you think @asmonet is a 40 year old weirdo??? lol
Considering the fact I dont have any cover up on in that picture i dont see anything caked on. Maybe its because I am tan and the contrast in the photo. But i can tell you i dont wear much make up. My make up isnt trashy because i wear a black eye liner and mascara when i go out and thats it.
Last time i checked i didnt need 40 year old people judging me on my look. last time i checked im pretty sure i asked a question i didnt ask for you guys to tell me what to do and not to do with my face.
LAWL, asmonet is definitely not 40, sweetie, she’s our age.
Too funny.
I mean, really.
And darling, if you ask why girls wear as much makeup as they do, and you’re sporting a picture of yourself wearing at least some, arguably more makeup…you open yourself up to criticism. Judge not, lest ye be judged and shit. Just like my lovely casheroo said.
This is what eyeliner and mascara should look like. This is not.
ha, last time i checked your a dude,
suck it because you not making a single point to me.
I don’t get it, how do you know she’s a “dude”? How did you come to this conclusion? Is it the avatar? I have Marilyn Monroe in my avatar, do you think I’m Marilyn Monroe???
Ahaha, trust me, kiddo.
I have a vagina, I assume you do as well.
And last time I checked, the first link I gave you was me. Most definitely, not a man.
@asmonet: I very pretty, feminine man with lovely eyes!
whoa whoa whoa.
so let me get this straight.
asmonet is a 40 year old with a dick?
oh man.
this is great.
keep this shit coming, kayysamm!
@asmonet You’re older than me. Lol4rl. AND you have a penis! I’m spitting my beer reading this.
Ahaha, I know, it’s ridiculous right?
idk but it is rather ridiculous right and im a girl i hate it when they do tht cuz it just makes them look retarded and im not bi or les. im strait
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