General Question

Jude's avatar

If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you need to have with you in order to get by (and possibly get rescued or off of the island on your own)

Asked by Jude (32210points) April 3rd, 2009

Could any of these items have multiple uses? If so, what are they?

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34 Answers

Dr_C's avatar

1) Future Mrs C
2) Sustainable food source
3) Laptop with wifi acces (Fluther junkie)

cak's avatar

A mirror, or something to reflect light. It can attract attention. Also, when I tip the edge and become completely crazy…I can talk to the person in the mirror! :)

Lighter/matches – something to help me start a fire. I’ve done the rubbing too sticks together – that takes a long time and can be pretty tedious. Give me something that I can reuse! Start a large, but controlled fire to attract attention and to stay warm. It can also help keep some animals away.

A knife. I could cut things down, with a knife, or use it – if necessary, to help defend myself.

I’m assuming I would have a fresh water source on the island, not just salt water. I am hoping for a coconut, or two, as well! demanding for a stranded person!

cak's avatar

@Dr_C – holy crap. I didn’t even think to bring my husband. I need 4 items. He’s very tall! He can reach things up in a tree! he also holds up his end of a great conversation – among other things!

Dr_C's avatar

@cak tall guys are the best to have around.. just ask Mrs C ;)

Triiiple's avatar

a lot of cigarettes. i dont think id need anything else of course things liek an ipod and stuff would be great but how am i gonna charge it?

some cigs and maybe a lighter so i dont have to Bear Grylls me a fire.

Deathcabforhottie's avatar

My iPhone, a whole ether net system, and a knife. The readi. For the phone and ether me is that I can A: entertain
Myself with the phone and an ether net makes it so that you can make a call to/from anywere

squirbel's avatar

an iphone, a satellite dish for internet access, and a wireless gateway modem.

a] GPS so my rescuers can find my latitude and longitude
b] Internet access every now and again
c] so the iphone can connect wirelessly

jonsblond's avatar

1. A pillow- for comfort.
2. Deck of cards- for entertainment.
3. My family (husband and children)- for entertainment and comfort.

I plan on staying on the island.

El_Cadejo's avatar


I wouldnt want to leave if i was on my own island. I could have endless fields :) And once it grew that would provide pretty much anything i need to survive. So really id only have to rough it out for a month or so.

cak's avatar

@Dr_C – absolutely! I’ll never underestimate the usefulness of a tall person. he’s going to read this and think I only want him for his height.

fireinthepriory's avatar

1. A pair of large, tough scissors that can snap apart into two knives. (I actually want this in real life, too, for general adventuring purposes.)

2. A magnifying glass (for making fires and also for aiding in the removal of all the splinters I’ll get when I try to make a raft.)

3. A solar-powered laptop that is waterproof and has wireless no matter where you are on earth. Oh, that doesn’t exist yet? ...Damnit. I guess I’ll take my brother instead. He’s my best friend, plus he’s very very smart and will probably be good at figuring out a way to get off the island! :)

Dr_C's avatar

@fireinthepriory i’m asking this as serioulsy as i can…. but how will you start a fire with a magnifying glass if the sun isn’t out? like say… on a rainy day… or during a hurricane if you’re someplace tropical?

fireinthepriory's avatar

@Dr_C Yeah, I mean, you can’t. But if there’s a hurricane you’d be unlikely to find any flammable materials around to start a fire with anyway. :) I’d just start a fire on a sunny day and just keep it going at all times. Of course if it rained hard enough it’d probably go out, and then I guess I’d be cold and wet till everything dried out, wait for the sun, and start another big fire…

Basically I figure it’s probably not THAT much less useful than flint, less likely to run out/break than matches or a lighter, and this way I get to look at things with it, too. (I’m definitely a 5-year-old who wants to see the worm UP CLOSE at heart! I’d seriously probably spend most of my time exploring and looking at things if I were trapped on a desert island.)

free's avatar

couldn’t make it without Wilson…

fishhooks or at least wire(duct tape, lol)

high tech, might as well have a satellite phone, be off the island in a few days

Mr_M's avatar

A 40 foot yacht, a two way radio, and plenty of gas.

essieness's avatar

A radio, preferably Sirius.
Lots of Carmex.
Weed and something to smoke it with.

I really have no survivor skills, so these would keep me happy till I kicked the bucket.

Dog's avatar

RUM (seems the appropriate choice for an island
Solar powered laptop with internet
Paint kit with 5000 panels.

And I shall politely decline any attempt at rescue.

MissAusten's avatar

1. Helicopter
2. Helicopter pilot
3. Map

I guess I was thinking along the same line as @Mr_M which kind of scares me.

RedPowerLady's avatar

1. I would definitely need my husband
2. I would need a knife
3. I would need a long range radio

laureth's avatar

People have said my first two: a knife (preferably a good multitool) and a lens. Nobody has said my third: a large plastic tarp.

In the heat and rain, the tarp would be good shelter. And I would also use it to make a solar still for drinking water.

I don’t think of my husband as an object, but he’d be welcome along on this little adventure as well, of course.

Lightlyseared's avatar

A book on boat making for beginners

cheekycollette's avatar

a bandana, aloe vera lotion, complete collection of William Shakespeare.

giltesque's avatar

Swiss army knife

DrBill's avatar

satellite radio

Blondesjon's avatar

A lighter.
A crack pipe.
A shitload of crack.

you all know i really mean jonsblond’s answer…sheesh…didn’t know i was playin’ to an “anti-crack” crowd

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

A good knife.
Some dry ice.
A Macguyver.

Blondesjon's avatar

@NaturalMineralWateruh, is a Macguyver anything like a donkey punch or a filthy sanchez?

cak's avatar

@BlondesjonI hope not! I loved Macguyver…but will be waiting for the answer. If it is the TV Macguyver…NaturalMineralWater needs to add at least one piece of gum – with the wrapper. He worked miracles with gum and the wrapper!

laureth's avatar

If MacGyver had been on that three hour tour, he and the Professor would have gotten everyone off of Gilligan’s Island.

Dog's avatar

On second thought I think I would take three of you- that way I get 9 items and three friends to hang with.

LuvBubble's avatar

Very Simple Answer:

1. Pot
2. Acoustic Guitar
3. Pizza

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