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Churchgoers: a music question. Have you ever heard your choir sing this?
There’s a choral piece entitled “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” a verse rendition of the twenty-third psalm. It is usually set to a certain tune. If you Google it, that’s the tune you will find.
There’s another performance piece, often done as a solo, called “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked,” by Geoffrey O’Hara. When I was a youngster, I often heard our church choir sing the “King of Love” lyrics set to the O’Hara melody, and I thought that was the only melody for those lyrics. Apparently that is the way my mother and all my siblings knew it, too. It must have been a special arrangement that is not commonly available. My mother wanted it sung at her funeral.
A year ago, upon my mother’s death, I spent several hours searching Google for sheet music for the hymn with the O’Hara music. I tried every combination of keywords I could think of and came up empty. Here is the only online instance I could find of this lovely pairing, but it is a performance, not sheet music.
If you are acquainted with this piece in the arrangement I’m interested in, I’d like to know where sheet music is available. I would purchase a set and donate it to her church choir in her memory.
Thank you.
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