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ru2bz46's avatar

Do you love karma as much as I do?

Asked by ru2bz46 (6748points) April 4th, 2009

In this “Happy Tree Friends” episode titled, We’re Scrooged, Lumpy receives exactly what he gives. What are your feelings on karma?

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20 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

I love karma korn. Mmmmm.

Karma would be nice. I, however, don’t believe in it.

jahi's avatar

both from a scientific point of view and well as spiritual i believe the law of karma have been proven ‘every action there is a reaction ’ as you sow so shall you reap’ in addition it is proven again with some people being born in poverty others in riches i strongly feel all this does not happen by luck and chance !

jahi's avatar

why don’t you believe in karma astro?

elijah's avatar

I love karma chameleons.
they come and go

jahi's avatar

i might be a bit slow here ! but what’s karma chameleons

TaoSan's avatar

It’s a bitch, what can I say?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

karma is nothing more than people finding patterns where no patterns really exist. Humans are pattern seeking animals, so we are bound to find patterns where none exist. Sort of like the common misconception that everything has an opposite: light, dark; fat, thin; good, evil; short, tall, etc. But you see, there is no opposite to 4 P.M. Sunday afternoon.

AstroChuck's avatar

@jahi- Because I believe in science, not spirituality. Karma is purely spiritual.

Kelly27's avatar

I love it when it is not me getting bit in the ass by it. ;)

seekingwolf's avatar

Usually I only LOVE Karma when it’s on my side…and despise it when it’s not. But truthfully, I think it’s good all around. What goes around really does come around.

Like this….I had a really BAD roommate (bad mouthing, bitchy, disrespectful, mean, sociopath) I kept my cool and didn’t do anything mean back, I just moved out.

I got my OWN Triple room ALL TO MYSELF within 2 days. It came with a TV too. I’ll be alone in here until the end of the year. I also scored an awesome double room with an awesome roommate that I’ve met and talked to. She’s cool!

My old roommate? She had to buy her own fridge and microwave (I took mine) and she no longer gets to use my wireless router (I took it with me and changed the pass). It’s a small campus and everyone heard about what she did and now everyone thinks she’s a bitch and no one will room with her and all single rooms are taken for next year. LOL.

Karma really is great.

Jeruba's avatar

Karma just means action. You can certainly show that actions have consequences and that events are caused by a logical succession of prior events. I believe in the laws of causality exactly as they are understood scientifically, which have nothing to do with morality or cosmic boomerangs.

ru2bz46's avatar

@Kelly27 and @seekingwolf I love karma most when it bites somebody else in the ass, or when I get something good returned to me. However, I also appreciate it when a deserving person gets a fitting reward, and I even appreciate the lessons it teaches me when I mess up.

seekingwolf's avatar


Yeah, I do love Karma when good things happen…I’d rather have good things happen to me than have someone I dislike bitten in the ass although I must admit, it is a little amusing to see that happen

Do you think that if you have good Karma and then something bad happens to your rival because of it and you secretly revel in their misfortune…will that bring you bad Karma in return?

Lightlyseared's avatar

I don’t do good deeds because they are good, nor do I worry about doing bad deeds. I do what I do because it is my duty to do it.

essieness's avatar

I do love karma. Of course I enjoy watching someone get what they deserve sometimes, but i really enjoy the good karma too. I enjoy doing and being good and reaping the benefits. Sometimes my efforts are more futile than others, but hey, I try.

bythebay's avatar

@ru2bz46: I ‘ve never seen Happy Tree Friends before, so I can’t compare my feelings to the episode you’re speaking of. But karma…yes, I love it. I believe in it wholeheartedly, and I truly believe that we reap what we sow. Sometimes it takes longer than others, but I’m willing to wait it out! :)

ru2bz46's avatar

@bythebay Click the link in the details part of the question. It will play the Happy Tree Friends episode. Here’s the link again: We’re Scrooged

ru2bz46's avatar

@seekingwolf I don’t know if my good karma would actually cause harm to anyone else for the sake of bringing me pleasure. I think my rival would only get bad things to happen due to their own bad deeds. Also, I think I may get a bit of bad karma come my way for the schadenfreude, perhaps proportional to the amount of joy I felt from it.

seekingwolf's avatar


Yeah I can agree with that…I always believed it was someone’s INTENTIONS that mattered, not necessarily their actions so I guess it applies here too.

EnzoX24's avatar

I believe good shit and bad shit happens to everyone regardless of our actions. If you want to believe that some how these two incidents are connected in any way, shape, or form then that is fine. I, however, believe a coincidence is just a coincidence and nothing more.

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