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TheKNYHT's avatar

What Would Be Your Ideal Form Of Government?

Asked by TheKNYHT (686points) April 5th, 2009

Some would say that a republic,a rule of just law, as we once were is an ideal form of government; others think a democracy where majority rules is best. Some might choose a benign monarchy where one man directs the affairs of a nation with benevolence and fairness. Are there any out there that would favor an Oligarchy (that is rule by an appointed few?) or Socialism in one of its various forms (be it Facism, or Communism)? Perhaps an almagam of two or more different forms of government? Ponder this for a while and let your imagination run wild and see what you can come up with; I eagerly await your responses!

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15 Answers

dynamicduo's avatar

My ideal form of government is as little as possible. Unfortunately all if not most of the ones you list do not conform to my one requirement. I think there are too many laws and programs created by all levels of government where I live. I would strongly prefer a government which had a “hands-off” approach. Sadly, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and I have yet to see any form of government actively making itself smaller and giving more rights to (and taking less money from) its populace.

asmonet's avatar

I like it when Democracy and Socialism get their freak on myself.

casheroo's avatar

Democratic Socialism

asmonet's avatar

@casheroo: Wanna run away together? ;)

wundayatta's avatar

Free market communalism. Don’t look this up, it’s my invention

I think we should encourage people to live in communities no larger than 2000 people. The communities should interact with each other in the same way that corporations interact in current markets.

Corporations would be encouraged to break down into groups of 2000 or less, each of which would have a special cooperative relationship with the other groups in the corporation.

Communal groups could cooperate this waybut would always be free to opt out. I’d like to see some limits on the amount of power any one group could get, so there would have to be some kind of built in checks and balances.

I’m looking for a better balance of cooperation and competition than we have now. There’s a lot more to flesh out, I’m sure, because I’ve never really thought about it, except theoretically.

St.George's avatar

Socialist Democracy

seVen's avatar

Holy Hierarchy of the Kingdom of God.
Soon to come.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I second that, seVen, right on, brother! oh, wait you’re serious, aren’t you?!

asmonet's avatar

Jesus fucking Christ.

dynamicduo's avatar

There are places already like that, seVen, such as Iran and Pakistan, and I sure wouldn’t say those countries represent ANY ideal government!

TheKNYHT's avatar

I think it was Thomas Jefferson that said, “That government governs best, that governs least.” I agree with both of you!

TheKNYHT's avatar

@daloon THAT is an intriguing notion!
I assume your thought is “smaller is better” because as corporations, organizations, governments get bigger, they are more easily corrupted with the acquisition of more power?
I always wanted to live in a small community! Romantic notions I spose after all those episodes of Northern Exposure! : )

TheKNYHT's avatar

@seVen I hear ya! Maranatha too!

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