General Question

Jude's avatar

If you go back and think about all of the people that you had dated (married), how many of those do you feel that you truly loved?

Asked by Jude (32210points) April 5th, 2009

We’re not talking lust, being caught up in the romance of it all or someone that you simply cared for (but, maybe at the time you thought that you loved them). We’re talking true love.

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17 Answers

Bagardbilla's avatar

Every single one, at that time, for who I was.

hearkat's avatar

I loved each and every one to the best of my ability for that age and stage of life.

MacBean's avatar

All of them!

aviona's avatar

3/4 that I dated. I loved one of them very much, but was not in love with him.

I’ve been seeing another who I was very much in love with recently. It’s nteresting because I was so heartbroken when we broke up. I really don’t think I could rekindle that love even though it was only a year and a half ago. Both of us have fallen in love since and are just…very different. It was one of those relationships that just worked for us at that very specific time in both our lives.

tinyfaery's avatar

I dated people I did not love, but of all of all the one’s I did love, I loved them truly.

jonsblond's avatar

Not one. Now that I have found “true love” with my husband, I completely understand the meaning behind it.

Milladyret's avatar

I loved all of them. (And I still do, in a weird way…)

But love evolves; What I took for love 7–8 years ago is NOTHING like the overwhelming depths of the love I now feel for my hubby.

Love evolves the same way we evolve; all according to our experiences.

casheroo's avatar

I only count a few of the guys I’ve dated, as actual relationships. i don’t count the guys from high school that i “dated” for a month or so haha
Out of the four guys I “seriously” dated, I loved them all. I may have been foolish, for thinking they were going to be the ones I married uhh pretty much all of them haha But, ya know, shit happens. None of them were the guy I was meant to marry (wait, i am married to one of those 4!)
I did truly love those men.

srmorgan's avatar

If I dated them and it did not end in marriage, then it might have been love but not the all consuming passionate love that I found when I met my wife.

I loved the woman I dated just before I met my wife and still do, we correspond, I saw her in 2005 when I was in her home state out west and I have tons of affection for her and she knows it, and so does her husband, but that degree of love dissipated when I met Susan and even though getting her to the altar was a long and arduous process, it was worth every effort.

For me there was a difference in intensity and passion and desire and even, lust.

We are two weeks short of our 26tth anniversary. A friend joked with me a few weeks ago, and said ” you could have done worse than Susan” and I had to correct him by saying that I could not have done better than Susan.


DrBill's avatar


One when we were both too young.
One I Married.
One who later told me she was married.

Facade's avatar

Only my current man. Although I said it to all the others..they’ll get over it.

Jack79's avatar

ALL of them, deeply.

ubersiren's avatar

Exactly two.

I’m married now, but there is a man out there that I will always love in addition to my husband. We had that passion together that was unbeatable. He was my true Romeo, but was too immature and irresponsible which was the deal breaker after 4 years. I don’t want to say my husband is the runner up, they’re just different. I’m happy where I am now.

Raean's avatar

At the time of the relationship I was in- in each of them – I felt like “it must be love”. I’ve learned that the people who have come in and out of my life have taught me something. They left a piece of themselves behind. I do know now what love truly is and it is the most amazing feeling in the world. So, I cared for each of them differently, seperately and for different reasons. I appreciate the time they spent in my life but I only really love one.

jessicar's avatar

At the time I did love each of them but as time goes on and I reflect on those prior relationships I find that yes I was in love, but probably shouldnt have been because some of them werent good people. If you didnt love them at some point then why were you with them at all?

ronski's avatar

Out of everyone i “seriously” dated, only one. There was one man who I was in lust with, which I still find very confusing…Otherwise, no one else ever treated me well enough for me to fall in love with them. I may have cared about them as friends, but love never evolved.

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