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Do men get depressed if they are out of work for an extended period of time?
I learned in my psychology class that, generally, men have a stive to work. It’s what gives them purpose and if they don’t have that, they will become depressed.
When the teacher said that, I immediately thought about my boyfried who, upon getting into a relationship with him, was jobless because of a recent motorcyle accident that left him with a broken leg, foot and elbow.
For the first few months everything was pretty fine, new relationship stuff, he was really nice and whatnot and then after about 5 months he got really distant and kind of mean and just seemed down all the time and didn’t seem to like me anymore, I thought that maybe our fire had gone out.
But now, he’s working two jobs (farm work in the morning and some custodial work at a mcdonalds) and everything is perfect. He is happy and nice and like a boyfriend, always kissing me and wanting to see me and stuff.
Men, have you ever experienced this or noticed it about yourself or your friends?
Women, have you noticed this in your male companions as well?
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