I saw this question, and I thought: Must tell Kat!
Then I saw your name, and I was pleased.
Yes, I’ve met many, though they’re a bit harder to spot – most are or are mistaken for butch lesbians as tinyfaery pointed out, in fact my trans friend who is FTM, Eric, identified as a butch lesbian through high school until after graduation. Through my experiences with him, I’ve met others and a common theme in those few I met at least was that it was a bit of a stepping stone in their process, I realize that when they are in transition it’s not considered crossdressing but before they had decided to follow through with hormone therapy or gender reassignment that was how they expressed themselves.. Not all were transgender, but some – I am not saying this is the standard in crossdressers.
The largest group I ever came in contact with was after Eddie Izzard’s Sexie show in DC. There were about ten of them and I listened to their stories as they went up one by one to talk with him and share their experiences as transvestites and transgendered people. It was touching. And absolutely intriguing. There are more than a few in the Washington, DC area.
And of course, Simone said it better than I, I think..
Being an outsider to that community myself I don’t imagine I could do it much justice other than relaying what I’ve observed or been told.
If anyone has any clarifications or anything for me, please lemme know. :)
@Deathcabforhottie: As Simone said, it’s not simply about outer clothing options. There really is more too it.
@KatawaGrey: If you’re interested I have a friend who speaks openly to those who are interested in LGBT issues. Lex, does not like pronouns, so it can be a bit awkward to talk about Lex. As Lex does not identify with either gender, more closely with male if anything. So from now on I’m using him for ease. He’s had people contact him in the past regarding similar topics, and friends have been sent his way before. If you’d like and he’s fine with it always nice to keep checking I can pass along your info? If not, cool, just thought I’d throw it out here. It’s not as if Fluther isn’t full of knowledge as it is. :)
And for good measure, Wikipedia.