General Question

ninjacolin's avatar

How have you been described by others?

Asked by ninjacolin (14252points) April 7th, 2009

Could you share some testimonials about yourself? Whether positive or negative.. (as long as you don’t mind sharing it, ha)

The point isn’t to brag or anything but simply for you to provide an unbiased third party opinion of your character. But don’t worry, bragging is perfectly acceptable too :)

Consider what people like this have said about you:
Your parent(s), your grandmother, your boss(es), your co-wokers, your male friends, your female friends, your ex(es)..

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50 Answers

Zen's avatar

Great question. It’ll be fun to follow.

I’ve been described as a loveable teddy grizzly bear, and an intelligent moron. Alternately, as a naive cynic, and a funny bore.

Judi's avatar

My favorite, “Judi is Kind, but don’t mistake her kindness for weakness.”

asmonet's avatar

According to my Johari window:
clever, intelligent, logical, observant, silly, accepting, bold, calm, complex, energetic, friendly, knowledgeable, mature, powerful, quiet, reflective, self-assertive, spontaneous, trustworthy, wise, and witty.

But my favorite compliment was from a boy who said:

“You are the very definition of perspicacity. Now, I need to go finish studing my SAT words. I just thought you should know.”

Best voice mail ever.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

toomuchcoffee911 is a pleasant and hardworking student.

All my teachers say that on my report card. I don’t believe it for a minute.

eenerweiner's avatar

My sister once said I was a bad ass in a good way. I’ve been told I’m strong, independent and intelligent. I’ve also been told I was a mooch, a bitch and useless.

Zen's avatar

@eenerweiner Kudos for the honesty. It’s a great step in self-improvement. I am sure you are more of the former.

hitomi's avatar

My first college roommate called me “her rock”
My brother calls me a bitch (and assorted other names – it’s all meant as endearments)
I get bossy and bitchy a lot actually….
I also get mature and responsible
I also have a group of friends that call me Mom.
That same group said that I was “absolutely F***ing INSANE” when I moved to London after graduating.

I’m also forgetting the biggest one…..intimidating.
I don’t see it…I never have, but when I asked a group of friends if I was intimidating, the response was “yes.” without so much as a seconds hesitation from one of my friends….

Also, apparently older women (and ONLY older women) think I’m beautiful…it’s not much of consolation when they’re the ONLY people that do, but it’s nice.

Harp's avatar

The one that has stuck with me was a comment I overheard from a student in the chocolate class I teach. She said I’m “like Bill Nye, the Science Guy”.

hitomi's avatar

I forgot another one – “ethnic” – I get ethnic a lot….

crisw's avatar

The good stuff- intelligent, creative, extremely ethical, logical, loyal, dedicated, persistent, independent.
The not-so-good stuff- intolerant of illogic, stubborn, lacking some social graces.

Facade's avatar

Different people have different opinions. I’ve been described as boring, put together, self-possessed, a tease, smart, different, lazy, quiet, talented, prissy, white, mature, freaky, happy, easy to talk to, that’s all I can think of right now.

dlm812's avatar

I’ve had such a wide variety of descriptions… so I just pick and choose which ones to believe ;), but here is a list of a few good and bad:

-Incredibly nice, a great listener, and a trusting friend.
-Book smart, but not very street smart (my fiance tells me this all the time – but I beg to differ)
-A bad driver, but good for a girl (again, my fiance… what does that even mean?)
-One particularly laughable description I received -> “A fucking lazy slut princess”
-The most caring and considerate child to my parents (my mother often tells me this, which is nice since I often feel like the least favored child)
-A bitch when needed and not someone to mess with physically (I’ve had a few tumbles in my past!)
-A good leader and motivator

Basically, I blame the variety on being a Gemini… I’m allowed to have more than one personality :)

cak's avatar

Flawed. Intense, can be frosty – at times, cynic – at times, hard. Serious. Silly, warm, funny, optimistic, smart, shy, (situational) outgoing, soft. Charitable, responsible. Goofy.

That was my husband’s description. My son said I color really good and I can read well, too.

Jude's avatar

I’ve been told that I’m mature, empathetic (to a fault), ‘biggest heart of someone that they know”, responsible, honest, determined, independant, queen of procrastination, witty, adventurous, “one who doesn’t put up with shit”, easy going, the other day I was told that I’m “sassy”, quirky, unique, lovable, and can be a wee bit manipulative at times.

casheroo's avatar

I’ve done Johari too…
accepting, caring, confident, observant, relaxed, energetic, silly, trustworthy, sentimental. Those are just some of the things I’ve been told.
Negatives: Insecure (depends on what, in my opinion), passive, irrational, panicky aka my anxiety issues…not so much of an issue anymore.

My husband would say I’m messy, and pretty lazy. He’d also say I’m very loving, emotional, and quirky.

syz's avatar

Stubborn. That’s pretty much it.

Jude's avatar

Oh, and toss in opinionated and stubborn.

veronasgirl's avatar

I think the most unique way I have been described is as a “Squiggly Bitch”.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ve often been complimented on my ability to speak in a very articulate manner while using an impressive vocabulary. This is something that I’ve always been proud of mainly because it is a skill that took me years to develop and refine.

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hitomi's avatar

@veronasgirl What exactly IS a “Squiggly Bitch”?

jonsblond's avatar

Down to earth, sweetest person you’ll ever meet, quiet, gullible, emotional, friendly, shy, forgetful and caring.

veronasgirl's avatar

“Squiggle” is an attention seeking personality type (Sluts fall into this category apparently), and well we all know the term Bitch. So my friends thought that it would be a fantastic joke to dub me the “Squiggly Bitch”

hitomi's avatar

@veronasgirl thanks for clearing that up for me :-D

veronasgirl's avatar

your welcome ;-)

gimmedat's avatar

I am a bitch. Everyone says it. I know it. I live it. I love it.

I’m also described as…nope, that’s it, a bitch.

3or4monsters's avatar

I get called “silly” but I don’t consider it a compliment. “Silly” makes me think “nonsensical” which means that my delivery sucks. I hate being misunderstood. I insist that my ridiculous shit makes sense at all times. :|

Sloane2024's avatar

My mother has told me that I can be self-centered and irrational….
I’ve also been told that I’m far too much of a perfectionist and overly sensitive.
Oh, and no one has ever told me this, but I know for a fact that I can exhibit traits of indecisiveness when the opinions or desires of others are involved… I know they’re thinking it, but just too polite to say anything.

On the other hand, I’ve been called determined, independent, intelligent, extremely hard-working, physically tough I tend not to say anything when I’m in pain… no matter how intense… I’m not exactly sure if this is a positive quality, however, patient, considerate,“you’re too nice” is a frequent comment as well, and on occasion I get “beautiful”.


Good Question? I guess to really get the actual truth for this you would have to ask the people that know me, but what I think in a nut shell you would here, I’m a strange, abnormal, addictive, down to earth, real, good and godly guy;

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Creative, hyper, smart, stubborn, nurturing, caring, compassionate, silly, funny, easily annoyed, quick to judge, sexy, and talented. I’ve also recently been told that I don’t take criticism well.

MacBean's avatar

I’ve also done Johari and Nohari. Here’s what people said:

Positives: accepting, complex, introverted, observant, caring, friendly, giving, ingenious, intelligent, kind, knowledgeable, logical, loving, nervous, patient, quiet, reflective, responsive, searching, sentimental, shy, sympathetic, trustworthy, warm, witty

Negatives: insecure, withdrawn, distant, passive, timid, aloof, lethargic, unhappy, cynical, chaotic

Zen's avatar

Not the sharpest, not the keenest
But not the dumbest nor the meanest.

wundayatta's avatar

My wife’s family thinks I’m stuck up about food. They are afraid to serve me things, because, apparently, I have this unconcious sneer that appears on my face when I don’t like something. They live in fear of it. They tease me about it. I’m not sure if they actually describe me as a snob, but they sure believe it.

dlm812's avatar

@Daloon Wow, I think that could describe me as well… only I’m usually pretty vocal about my dislike of certain foods as well. As my fiance says, if I was ever stuck on an island and had to either eat something I didn’t like or die… I would die. :/

Blondesjon's avatar

A hypocrite.
A cynic.
A drunk.
A dick.

jonsblond's avatar

@Blondesjon You forgot sexy.

cak's avatar

Hey – today I got to add another one. Mean. I’m mean! My son said I was mean because I wouldn’t let him wear his superman pjs to school. I am mean. Now, I let him change into them when he got home – provided he wore something under or over them – because it was chilly. I let him play and play in them and washed them so he could wear them to bed. However, he can’t wear them to school. Why? They are too short, too thin and the butt is wearing out…he likes to slide along the hardwood floors.

Mean mom drew the line somewhere….and it was no pjs to school. (except for pj day)
Good. That means I’m also doing my job!

Judi's avatar

@cak; When my kids were in youth group they took a vote and my husband and I came in second for the strictest parents in the youth group. I could be mean too.

cak's avatar

@Judiwe’re up there, too! However, they will admit that our house is the fun house. We have rules, we are clear and they are followed. We’re able to have fun – but we’re not pushovers. :)

Zen's avatar

My mom always showed me that she believed in me and any talents I might have, by ‘investing’ in many extra-curricular activities for me as a child, but never really encouraged me by saying anything to me like “That’s great!” or “You are so talented!” – which is something I do with my kids – and it comes easily as they truly are. Don’t make this mistake, good people, just as an aside.

However, my grandmother, may she rest in peace and God bless her soul, whenever I’d sing for her, or make her laugh, would say, almost nonchalantly – which made it even better to a child – “You have more talent in your fingernail tip…” – I miss her.

jo_with_no_space's avatar

Bubbly, fun, interesting…

Intense, insufferable, annoying…

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I’ve been told I have sexy handwriting…


Zen's avatar

You asked how my co-woker (sic) described me: My co-woker is much better at cooking then I, but he says I am a quick study and know boundless curiosity (the woker’s words, not mine).

He has also, between Chinese meals, described me as a Peaceful Terrorist, and at times a Bouncy Turtle. I don’t know why exactly.


lrhar487's avatar

great listener, good advice, funny, smart, very stubborn, bull headed at times, and you dont want to make me

Nially_Bob's avatar

Absent-minded, apathetic (though my friend once explained this better when he said “it’s not that you don’t care about what’s going on, it’s that you don’t seem to get why people are annoyed by it”), lovable, sleepy, relaxed, curious, weird, idiotic and ‘wise beyond my years’ (one I very much disagree with)

3or4monsters's avatar

@Nially_Bob I would not say apathetic, either. You have the unique ability to be both deeply compassionate, yet impervious to the irritations of the world around you. That is an incredible, rare, and welcome combination. :)

I bet you’re going to say something humble, good-humored, and self-deprecating in response. Maybe you will point out how one of these things is actually a flaw. We’ve had this dance before, my friend!

deni's avatar

“She wants to move to Jamaica and have little black babies with dreadlocks” my mother once told someone about me HAHAHA.

seventeen123's avatar

Smart, stubborn, cold, manipulative, warm-hearted, (which contradicts the cold lol), funny, crazy, psychic, fun, happy, (cute & all those other ones), mostly crazy i think..

pastel's avatar

Uhh, I always had a feeling people were actually jealous of me and that’s why they saw repulsive comments about me. Haha, “weird”, “uncool”, “nerdy”, “odd one out”. I’M UNIQUE. :]

Aster's avatar

Lazy, sexy, fun, negative, funny, silly. That about covers it.

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