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Zen's avatar

Has someone said something to you, true or not, that you just can't get out of your mind?

Asked by Zen (7758points) April 7th, 2009

I have a couple, some good some bad. Once I cut off a guy, unintentionally, and it was a slow line. He stuck his head out of the window, looked at me and said; “you know you’re an asshole, right?”

Even though it wasn’t intentional, and even though I could care less about the guy, I think it was the way he said it – it is stuck indelibly in my brain. Perhaps that’s a good thing: it reminds me not to cut people off.

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7 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I’ll never forget the time that I was walking out of a Planned Parenthood and someone that was driving by yelled out of their car “Whore!”. Me, a married mother of two young children, being a responsible adult by picking up her birth control, was being called a whore. I’ll never forget that woman’s ignorance.

jca's avatar

my previous boss had threatened me a few times (not physically threatened, threatened as to my position at the job) and he was incorrect doing that, one for the bad and unnecessary poor morale it caused and two because i’m a civil servant and he probably could not fire me if he tried. this was fairly recently, so i remember what he said and what an asshole he is.

qashqai's avatar

“Raise again like phoenix from the flames”

I was 16. Something really bad happened to me and at that time I decided that, from the very next moment I wouldn’t care about a thing, anymore. Loosing the year was obviously included.

Then, at the very beginning of my own rebellion to injustice, she (my history teacher at high school) tells me that sentence, at the end of her lesson.

I didn’t lose the year, and the next, and I didn’t fail a single exam at university. I give her credit 10 years later, even if she probably will never stumble upon fluther and read this.

VzzBzz's avatar

One of the first on-the-books jobs I ever had was in a small family restaurant, I was a prep cook. The owner said to the staff one day that we would all rotate in taking turns to clean the unisex restroom and I said I wouldn’t do it. After shift that night, my boss pulled me aside and asked, “why not, don’t you clean bathrooms at home?”, I said sure, at home but I wasn’t comfortable to clean after multiple people to which she replied, “well Bee, we’re not used to people of your caliber working for us, this obviously isn’t the right place for you.” She fired me, I went home and cried and felt like the biggest (unemployed) snob and have never been able to hear the word, “caliber” without feeling some pang of arrogance shame.

veronasgirl's avatar

My now ex-boyfriend said that I needed to be more Lady-Like…I believe I had smacked him for trying to trip me while I was walking across an rickedy wooden bridge. Even though he was being a jerk, I had it in my head for days after, wondering what he REALLY meant by that…

osullivanbr's avatar

I’ve the worst memory in the world, so for me to remember anything someone tells me is really special. But I remember when I was ten, I had an operation on my ear, and the doctor told me that I can never fly now (I think he was drunk to be honest). But he told me that if I ever got on a plane my ear drum would explode and I’d obviously go deaf. My own doctor nearly wet himself when I told him this a few years back, but to this day I cannot forget it.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

“You are my values”
“You are such a soft and slow girl”
“What are you doing with the rest of your life?”

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