General Question

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

How much is this plasma worth?

Asked by omfgTALIjustIMDu (9301points) November 27th, 2007

My dad just won a 42 inch plasma TV, and we’re trying to decide whether to keep it or to sell it. I’m not sure what company it is, but how much would that size plasma go for? It is perfectly new, hasn’t been opened.

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7 Answers

figbash's avatar

A) A comparison of the costs of new plasma televisions:

B) 42 inch plasma televisions sold on Ebay:

gailcalled's avatar

Is there an issue of having to pay either sales or income tax on such an expensive winning? I often wonder whether people who win new cars have the IRS and the state checking in. Some winner on the first SURVIVOR didn’t pay any taxes on his $1 mil award and went to jail for a year, I think.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

There are always taxes, but usually the winnings are worth more than you pay in taxes anyway. For example, if we were to buy a plasma it would cost a lot more than the taxes will on winning one.

@figbash, thanks.

gailcalled's avatar

Does your dad have to pay taxes for having won the TV, whether he keeps it or not?

I understand the taxes on purchases.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Yes, but can write it off on tax forms as a donation since we’ll probably donate it to our synogogue’s annual auction.

gailcalled's avatar

Ah, a perfect solution.And a terrific addition to the synagogue’s auction. BTW, I meant to ask you, Tali, how your parents come to speak Hebrew?

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Well, my dad learned in day school growing up and retained it, and my mom learned a little bit when we lived in Israel a few years ago.

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