General Question

Zen's avatar

Any personal amazing rescue stories?

Asked by Zen (7758points) April 8th, 2009

I was saddened by the events in Italy, as we are once again reminded of how fragile we are. For every earthquake and Tsunami Mother Earth throws our way, there are brave and amazing stories of rescue and heroism. I have a fear of small, cramped places, but not a fear of heights – so you can imagine where I’ve been and where I haven’t in rescuing animals, for example.

Have you a special story about a child falling down a well, a fire, a flood or a snowstorm? I love these stories, and with the flutherites talent of writing, i am sure they will be a great read.

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11 Answers

larsalan's avatar

I got to take a ride in a medevac helicopter once. Too bad I was doped out; I don’t remember much except fighting w/ a bunch of nurses.

asmonet's avatar

I have an amazingly stupid rescue story.

I got my leg caught in the fork of a tree once.
Six firemen had to get me out.

Too bad I was seven.
What a waste of firemen.

mangeons's avatar

@asmonet And how did your leg get there? xD

allen_o's avatar

I rescued myself from hard drugs by using soft drugs

Jack79's avatar

I fell off our balcony when I was a kid. Broke a finger. Several car accidents later I still did not think it was miraculous, until last Christmas I hit a metal shoulder on the motorway at over 100mph. We came out unscathed, which I guess means there is some sort of purpose in life (wasting time writing stuff on fluther perhaps?).

asmonet's avatar

@mangeons: I was proving that girls can climb trees, duh.

Unfortunately, I proved that while it’s true, we suck at getting out of them.

Lupin's avatar

A couple, say Richard and Audrey, responded to a “man down” ambulance call while eating dinner and performed CPR successfully while they transported the 30 year old male. At the time only 1 in 7 CPR patients lasted 24 hours after the event. This time it worked perfectly.
The rescued individual owes them his life – and never forgets it. The rest is personal.

basp's avatar

We had taken our two toddlers to the beach. Since I am not a strong swimmer and we had two toddlers to look after, I insisted we set up quite a ways from the water.
At one point, husband brought one toddler to the water while I stayed with our stuff with the other toddler.
In a little while, I noticed a crowd gathered on the beach and was alarmed. I walked over there, child in tow to find my other child being held by a stranger. I was told there was a teenager out in the water who was being carried out by the tide. Two men had tried to rescue him, but failed, one of the men having to be rescued himself. My husband had given our child to a stranger (!) and jumped in to save the teenager.
I watched breathlessly with the crowd as my husband reached the child and they battled in the water. The child was so paniced he was fighting the rescue.
Finally husband smacked him and started to drag/swim him to shore. At one point the child realized he was being helped and held on to husband.
As they got to the shore the crowd gathered around. The boy would not let go of husband he was so scared. Husband hugged him and told him not to worry, he was scared too.

Tangent_J's avatar

In September of 1991 we were visiting my mother while I was in the US Navy. While there, a tornado ripped through my mom’s neighborhood destroying 85 homes including my mom’s while we were in it. After making sure my immediate family was OK, my dad, his neighbor and I spent the next few hours searching though rubble find people and get them out of the wreckage. The part that sticks out most in my memory is running into two small children standing in the middle of the road. We asked them if they were Ok and they responded, “we are OK, but Grandpa has nails in his head.” We immediately started into the pile of rubble that was his house and found their grandpa. He had laid over the kids to protect them and in doing that, when the house collapsed around them a part of the support beam broke and the nails indeed were in the top of his head. We stayed their taking turns holding pressure on his head to stop the bleeding until the paramedics arrived on scene. Grandpa lived! The homes were rebuilt and today you would never know that the neighborhood was destroyed. :-)

electricsky's avatar

When I was eleven, my mom and I went to the beach near us. I’ve always been a little afraid of the ocean, and the waves were really rough, so I didn’t want to go in. My mom convinced me to go out past where the waves break so that we could swim easily, with our boogie boards, and we did. We started out being about 40 feet from shore, laughing and swimming, until after about 10 minutes I looked out and saw that we were much, much farther from shore. I could barely see anybody on the beach, with my 20/20 vision. My mom panicked and we tried to swim back to shore, though it was somehow very difficult. My mom made it to shore but I was still there, trying to swim. Every time I’d make it a few feet, I’d just get sucked back in immediately, further and further until I couldn’t even hear my mom screaming from shore anymore. However, nobody seemed to be doing anything on the beach. I swam until I could see my mom start to come out and I got so tired I just… sank, and I probably sunk for about 5 seconds until I could feel someone pull me up by my bathing suit and a man I had seen earlier on the beach with his kids slung me on his back and started swimming to shore.
Only problem was that he was getting sucked back out by the rip tide, too, until we eventually drifted out even further. Its all kind of fuzzy from there on, but the next thing I remembered was being put on someones surf board and floating back to shore, where I hugged my sobbing mother for about 5 minutes while everyone clapped for the people who saved my life.

ptarnbsn's avatar

A family member of my husband’s was drunk walking on the highway, fell, and got hit by a car and knocked about 70 feet at 3am. We were the first ones to the body and not knowing if she were dead or alive had to turn her over. Her pupils were blown and there were no carotid or femoral pulses and the only blood we could see was coming from her mouth and nose. BUT just in case I gave my husband a crash course in chest compressions and took a deep breath….... between breaths I gave info to someone else on the cell phone with EMS while someone else held a flashlight over us…. Oh, did I mention that I had no face shield? and we were in another country? THAT was an interesting vacation.

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