What fruits and vegetables do you eat skin and all?
Asked by
April 8th, 2009
I read that most of the nutrients and fibers are in the skin and peel. I don’t peel my potatoes or carrots.
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31 Answers
I can’t think of any veggies I peel. Oh, avacados. Fruits? I don’t eat banana skins or orange rinds.
Apples, grapes, peaches, tomatoesm plums, pears.
Potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, all the green things like cucumber, broccoli, green beans.
Avos are fruit, of course, and require peeling, as do pineapples, lichi and kiwi.
Cucumbers (I know, I shouldn’t but the pesticides are crazy on those) and potatoes, unless they are blemish-free, very white and small and spelt correctly.
@Zen Do potatoes taste better if spelt correctly? I wash them, the cucumbers and zucchini with a brush and actual soap and water, and rinse thoroughly.
@YARNLADY Everything tastes better with yummy grammar sauce!
But I digress; I know of many who do as you, and it’s fine. In fact, if you scrub really well, I’ll take you up on your previous offer of lunch. Scrub a dub dub.
@Zen grammar sauce, is that the kind that has those little letters, apostrophes and commas floating around in it
@YARNLADY That’s the one, with extra parentheses for me, please.
Grapes, apples, cucumber, pears, plums, nectarines, peaches, apricots, potatoes…..hm, that’s all i can think of now…..
Everything that doesn’t have an armadillo-like shell to remove.
@Kraken So that includes bananas then, then eat the whole thing?
@BellyJ – top o the morning to ya.
Carrots, potatoes, apples, and tomatoes.
@Bluefreedom Apples and tomatoes – boy, you live dangerously.
I’m the opposite, I even peel the apple skin (it gets stuck between my teeth if I don’t). Not sure about nutrients, but it seems a lot of other stuff gets stuck on the skin, and it’s easier to just peel it than wash it well enough.
@Zen. Yeah, I’m a daredevil at heart. Food or no food.~
@Jack79 I used to do that, but now I just put it in the microwave for about 1/2 minute and it is soft and edible.
The skin of apples are very healthy. But sometimes they taste so bitter it’s better to peel the apple.
@mattbrowne then I suggest you buy apples from Africa, the Pinklady – roughage is good for your colon!..:)
carrots – a little dirt will do you good…:)
potatoes and sweet potatoes
@WifeOfBath – Thanks for the tip. But they’d have to be shipped from Africa to Europe.
I may not eat orange peel as is, but I do use it to make marmalade, so I even eat that. However, I don’t eat the skin of bananas, avocados, or pineapples due to taste, texture and chewability, nor do I eat the skins of sweet potatoes or yams (but I eat the skin of regular potatoes). When I used to be able to eat mangoes, I did not eat the skin either.
Otherwise, I pretty much eat plant products skin and all. I do wash them first, and sometimes scrub them a bit, but I’m too lazy to peel things I don’t absolutely have to.
And yes, I do eat the skin of kiwi fruit. It has an odd texture but no particularly noxious taste.
My son started eating the skin of Kiwis about a week ago. A friend of his said that’s where all the nutrients are, so he tried it, and now I don’t have to peel his kiwis for his lunch any more. HOOORAY!!!
Some of you mentioned carrots… is the part you peel really a skin? I always figured it was the same as the rest of the carrot, just drier and dirtier. Is it different than the insides?
Carrots, grapes, tomatos, potatos, peaches, apples, pears, plums, apricots, cherries, all berries, eggplant.
Those are all I can think of right now.
Some of the ones that puzzle me are Sweet Potatoes/yams, and squash. I cook most squash just like I do potatoes and Hubby eats the skin and all, except for the hard skinned ones. We also eat the entire cucumber, zucchini and kiwi.
I’ll peel butternut squash, just because of the requirements of the dishes I cook with it, but in general, I roast winter squash until the skin is nice and edible. I can’t think of any other vegetables that I peel. Avocado I suppose. I guess artichoke leaves aren’t entirely edible, though I’ve seen my brother do it with plenty of butter. Onions and garlic are peeled, obviously, though I’d love to hear a creative alternative.
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