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jonsblond's avatar

What is the easiest way to get rid of hiccups?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) April 10th, 2009

Can you get rid of them or do you need to let it run it’s course?

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25 Answers

live_rose's avatar

when i get hiccups my friend has me plug my ears then drink water at the same time

prasad's avatar

Drinking water would do.
Also, I was told to hold my breath for 1 minute or as long as I could. This helps when there’s no water around.

Dog's avatar

Hold breath while taking 20 sips from a glass of water.
I suppose sipping vodka could work if water was not available

exitnirvana's avatar

I always use a spoonful of peanut butter, that gets rid of mine ASAP.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Have someone scare the living shit out of you. For me, I take 9 sips of cold water and that usually solves the problem. You could try holding your breath too.

I’ve never been able to let them run their couse because hiccups irritate me to no end. I have to try everything to make them go away when I get them.

jonsblond's avatar

Peanut butter sounds good. Vodka would put me to sleep, but then I wouldn’t have the hiccups if I were sleeping. What do I do? lol

Lightlyseared's avatar

A spoonful of sugar.

creativejuices's avatar

Dogs answer works for me every time, although I only need to take around 10 sips. I usually take a big breath in and then proceed.

Turtle's avatar

Drink backwards from a cup of water. So you bend forward and drink from the front of the glass slowly.

marauder76's avatar

Turtle is correct. Take a big mouthful of water, bend deeply at the waist, and slowly swallow it, so that you’re essentially drinking upside down. This relaxes the diaphram muscles (or something like that—I’m not a doctor!) and for me at least, gets rid of hiccups 100% of the time.

sandystrachan's avatar

When you feel a hiccup coming hold your breath and gulp . Also big swig of very cold water as you hiccup .

casheroo's avatar

Nothing works for me, drives me crazy.

Mr_M's avatar

Holding my breath has always worked for me.

squilky's avatar

Live Rose uses the same technique I use. Have someone press in those little flaps in the middle of your ear, and drink a few sips of water. Swallow hard and your hiccups will be gone.

loser's avatar

A spoonful a sugar!

sandystrachan's avatar

@loser According to Marry Poppins that’s what helps the medicine go down.
Honestly tho does it work ? i would have never tried that

Macaulay's avatar

Drinking water from the far-side of the cup should do the trick.

jonsblond's avatar

Damn hiccups are back.

I think it’s the beer ;)

jonsblond's avatar

They’re back! grrr…

deni's avatar

If you have lemon juice, take a shot of it. Delicious and hiccups be gone.

camertron's avatar

The responses on this question are too funny!

As Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes so accurately said, “I think most hiccup remedies are really just invented for the amusement of the victim’s friends.” This thread is proof!

jonsblond's avatar

dammit, again!

jonsblond's avatar

I just realized there are maybe two people on this thread that will read my response above. so sad :(

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