General Question

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

Can a broken heart affect your health?

Asked by Lothloriengaladriel (1560points) April 10th, 2009 from iPhone

I’ve never felt so much pain.

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24 Answers

Zen's avatar

It has mine.

theluckiest's avatar

Most definitely.

Zen's avatar

@theluckiest Are those roses for me?

augustlan's avatar

Absolutely, as can stress of any kind. The good news is that although it seems like it will never get better, I promise you it will. In the meantime, be kind to yourself. {hug}

Zen's avatar

@augustlan is the niciest! Hugs all around. Who’s for coffee?

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

coffee would be nice (:

Zen's avatar

Pours cappucinos all around, cream and sugar?

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

No sugar in mine please!

Zen's avatar

<<<thinks we are gonna get soooo moderated in a new york minute.

Zen's avatar

Mod: Likes loth’s laughter, so excuses the off-track comments

prasad's avatar

Yeah, definitely, to a certain extent.
Our emotions/feelings affect our health. Did your heart not speed up when you are scared to hell?

Zen's avatar

Thanks for the fresh bouquet, @theluckiest. It was worth the “wait.”

theluckiest's avatar

Lol I’m sorry; I was occupied wasting time on other sites ;)

Zen's avatar

@theluckiest Don’t touch that dial. There’s no other place you need. Stay here.

Mr_M's avatar

Sure. The broken heart means you’re depressed and depression, if you experience it long enough, will make you not want to do anything, not exercise, stress you out. We’ve all seen the commercials about “depression hurts”.

casheroo's avatar

Yes. I’m sorry ((hugs))

jbfletcherfan's avatar

It sure can. It distresses all of your body. It affects eating, sleeping, everything.

I hope your pain passes soon. Take care of yourself.

3or4monsters's avatar

Grief and unhappiness will effect your immunity, at the very least. When my uncle passed away from cancer last July, my aunt was erratic with her medication and her immunity was suppressed (she lost sleep, ate inconsistently, and was very unhappy), and it was a major playing in causing her own cancer to return.

When I heard about it’s return and the hit to her health, I was so upset and distraught at the news that I lost sleep, and the cold virus that was on it’s way out returned in full force and stuck around with me for an extra week.

The mind and the body are one, and what we think and what we feel has direct impact on our health.

virtualist's avatar

… ! .......... it can only make you stronger…...... !

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