General Question

phoenyx's avatar

Have you made incorrect assumptions about other fluther members? Have incorrect assumptions been made about you?

Asked by phoenyx (7419points) April 11th, 2009

For example, several people have told me they thought I was a woman (I am not).

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54 Answers

SeventhSense's avatar

Everything other than my sex. I guess I’m just a typical man which makes me quite happy.

chyna's avatar

@SeventhSense There is nothing typical about you! this was meant in a good way

jbfletcherfan's avatar

That’s another example of why I wish we had to state our gender. I don’t have a clue on half of the members here. And profiles quite often, don’t give a hint either.

gailcalled's avatar

Some folks assumed that because of my age, I had one foot in the grave, used a walker and perhaps a seeing-eye dog and was able to remember the flood. Some people believed me when I mentioned that I was really a 28 year old waitress at Hooter’s. You choose.

chyna's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Avatars don’t give a hint either. If I could actually see them, that is.
I thought yours was a gorilla until you told me otherwise and I thought gailcalled was some kind of bird with a skinny neck. I do choose to believe gailcalled is a hooters girl.

jrpowell's avatar

My daisy avatar confused some. But my age and gender were clearly stated in my profile. I thought “johnpowell” made my gender obvious.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@chyna What a hoot!!!!! You are SO right on the avatars. I’ve seen ways on here to make them bigger, but that doesn’t work for me. Too bad the profile pages aren’t bigger & more detailed. That’s my biggest beef about fluther.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

When I first came to Fluther, there was a member that I didn’t really like just because their avatar looked like a girl from school that I really didn’t like. Then, that person changed their avatar, a strange thing happened; I began to appreciate her posts a lot more!

jrpowell's avatar

I am working on a page that will allow you to enter a user name and it will display the large image. Maybe 30 minutes.

Dutchess12's avatar

@jbfletcherfan How DO you make them bigger?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Dutchess12 I dunno, honey. I’ve never figured it out. I follow the instructions that I’ve seen & it doesn’t work. Look at johnpowell’s post. Maybe there’s hope!!! YEAAAAA!

fireside's avatar

To view the original size avatars on a PC:

-Right click the avatar
-Select “View Image”
-Look at the url which should end with “_thumb.jpg”
-Remove “_thumb” from the url
-Hit enter to visit the new url

phoenyx's avatar

When I first came to fluther I assumed @syz was a man because she often talked about her love for carnivores, which was somehow a masculine trait in my mind. When I figured out the truth I felt really stupid.

@gailcalled I have always pictured you as a woman in her fifties, even though you’ve stated several times that you are a “senior citizen,” which I generally place at 65 or older.

SeventhSense's avatar

I don’t have the option to view image from right click

fireside's avatar

@SeventhSense -dunno, works for me

jrpowell's avatar

I’m having some trouble scraping with PHP. It is easy with Ruby but I’m not sure of how to turn ruby code into a page. phoenyx?

A form that asks for a username. Grabs the avatar url. Strips the _thumb. And redirects.

I thought this would be simple. My attempts at scraping with PHP have failed.

SeventhSense's avatar

Sounds like a job for a contractor.
PHP scraping- Painting House Preparation. :)

gailcalled's avatar

@SeventhSense: Do you have a Mac and a Mac mouse?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@fireside My right click has no ‘view image’ option or anything close to that. Again, this doesn’t work for me.

SeventhSense's avatar

<——I’m a PC..but not Politically Correct :)
I have to go outside in the rain now.
I’m not staying in all day.

fireside's avatar

@jbfletcherfan & @SeventhSense – I am using Firefow.

I just checked Internet Explorer and the way to do it there would be to right click and select “Properties”
From there, you can copy the image address (url) and then follow the steps above for removing “_thumb”

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@fireside Nope. I’ve tried that before. There’s no place to copy the address TO. It just gives info.

fireside's avatar

@jbfletcherfan – You copy it, then close the window and paste the address into the address bar of the browser.

mammal's avatar

i think it is reasonable to assume i am mammalian,
although…even that seemingly safe presumption may buckle under exceptionally rigorous scrutiny

Dutchess12's avatar

I didn’t come here with any assumptions, just with curiosity. I find that flutherites are just….people! The exact personality types you’d find in any community. Some are calm, some are not, some are wise, some are foolish, some are argumentative. Everyone is the same. But to answer the second half of your question….yes, people here have made very incorrect assumptions about me, have even been insulting just because of where I came from. I sorta wish the shoe was on the other foot…it would be very, very interesting to see how would have handled an influx of you guys! I’d like to think we would have been much more tolerant, but the truth is, it probably would have been the same. People like me would have welcomed you and would have been happy to show you the ropes. There are other members tho, that I know would have been…defensive and insulting because that’s just the kind of people they are.

phoenyx's avatar


How about a combination of PHP and jQuery? First, write a PHP script that would grab the user’s profile page (because you can’t access external urls with jabascript, iirc). With jQuery you could make an ajax call to the PHP script, use the nice parsing and selectors in jQuery to get the path to the image (I think it has “avatar” as a class), and then stick the image into the body of the current page (no redirect). That’s probably how I’d approach it.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@fireside YEAAAAAA, I got it! Thanks! Phoenyx, NOW I know what your avatar is!! :-)

Dutchess12's avatar

@phoenyx What is a PHP script?

chyna's avatar

Not working for me.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@chyna tell me how you’re doing it.

chyna's avatar

right click on your avatar, properties, highlight url, then put in my browser, then nothing.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@chyna Okay…take your backspace button & delete the part of the address in your browser that’s “_thumb”. Be sure to take out the underscore. Then hit enter.

chyna's avatar

I get “webpage cannot be found.” I feel computer challenged.

Dutchess12's avatar

@chyna um…should that be “computerly challanged” :) Boy I’m just into making up my own words today!

chyna's avatar

@Dutchess12 That works too, computerly challanged.

Dutchess12's avatar

@chyna hmmm. In the interests of correct grammar, shouldn’t there maybe be two “l”‘s in computerlly? And maybe we should change the ‘o’ to a ‘u’ just for the hell of it like we have to do with other words in the English language?! “cumputerlly”.....I am so confused!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Well, I feel triply stupid now. First, I thought Seventh Sense was a female. Then everything johnpowell and phonyx said read like gibberish and I’m usually pretty good at gibberish, but it must a special kind of gibberish and I can’t remember the third reason I felt stupid. Sigh.

SeventhSense's avatar

@evelyns pet zebra
dude i’ve personally corresponded with you on topics clearly gender specific…what ru smoking? ;)

chyna's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Just to be clear < female.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar


It’s not what I’m smoking, it’s all that I smoked years ago coming back to haunt me as missing brain cells. I guess sometimes they just don’t regrow.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar


Yeah, I know you’re female, the unicorn is a dead giveaway. ;-)

Nimis's avatar

For the record, I am not a single male in my early-twenties.
Maybe I should be concerned that everyone seems to think so…

Dutchess12's avatar

@Nimis because of your avatar I assumed you were an octopus in your early 20’s!

gailcalled's avatar

Octopi do no need glasses until they are in their early forties.

Dutchess12's avatar

@gailcalled I DIN’T KNOW THAT!!!

gailcalled's avatar

@Dutchess12: If you hang around for ten years, Dr. J will be wearing bifocals.

Dutchess12's avatar

@gailcalled Mebee he’ll consider Lasik?? :)

phoenyx's avatar

I’ve coded up a web page to see the larger versions here.

gailcalled's avatar

@phoenyx: Thank you very much.

fireside's avatar

@phoenyx – nice job!

chyna's avatar

@fireside Nice avatar, now that I can see it.
Thanks phoenyx.

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