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Roughdraft76's avatar

Why do I sneeze after I eat?

Asked by Roughdraft76 (219points) April 11th, 2009 from iPhone

My girlfriend had gastric bypass in December. Everytime she eats anything, she sneezes about 10–15 times. This never happened before the surgery Any idea what triggers this?

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10 Answers

mangeons's avatar

I’m confused. Are you we talking about you or your girlfriend?

asmonet's avatar

I think he just phrased the question as if she were asking, but he’s doing it on her behalf. :)

Roughdraft76's avatar

My girlfriend asked me to ask so I put her question up.

mangeons's avatar

Okay. Well, I’d definitely ask a doctor about it, it could be nothing, but it could be a severe side effect of the surgery, or a number of other things. Better safe than sorry! ;)

essieness's avatar

You know what? Now that you bring it up… I sneeze when I feel nauseous from not eating sometimes (you know, like when you’re so hungry you get nauseous). It actually happened today before I got out of bed. Weird… I’ll be watching this thread for the answer.

filmfann's avatar

My son sneezes whenever he has a good meal. Very odd.

shilolo's avatar

It sounds like she has developed gustatory rhinitis. This is amazingly more common than you think. A simple google search for “sneezing after eating” pulls up lots of similar complaints. I would venture to guess that this is related to her gastric bypass. By making her stomach extremely small during the bypass procedure, she somehow has become more sensitive to food (that is, when her small stomach stretches, it induces the sneezing, whereas before the procedure she had a much bigger stomach). She should speak to her doctor about this and see if she can try some medications to prevent this from happening. Good luck.

casheroo's avatar

i’m sure shilolo is on to something. but i just have to say, that must be so frustrating and annoying for her!

slbissgreg's avatar

I got online specifically to find an answer to this question. I found it quite strange that since my bypass surgery I sneeze whenever I overeat. I notice that this was back in 09. Has anything changed or has anything been figured out? Did a doctor have any answers? Very hopeful that someone has answers. Thanks

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