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KalWest's avatar

If the shi'te keeps hitting the fan - could you see yourself living in a commune kind of arrangement?

Asked by KalWest (1389points) April 12th, 2009
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23 Answers

casheroo's avatar

I would love that.

fireside's avatar

Been there, done that. sort of

Why do you think that this would be the outcome of fixing the economy?

KalWest's avatar

If the economy doesn’t snap back as quickly as we want it to – do you think people would consider this as an option to save on expenses?

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I would if circumstances forced it on me and even them I would have to be familiar with all the residents.

Communes are no different than having lots of roommates and when times are tough with money, there’s always one jackass that’s going to steal from someone. The chances this happening goes up with the number of people in it.

The other thing I don’t like about communes is that many of them just turn into a big group sex setup.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

socially and sexually

hug_of_war's avatar

I would avoid it for as long as possible. I like knowing my stuff is mine. And I’m not crazy about people having crazy orgy type sex all the time, not my thing. Which lends itself to commune style living.

casheroo's avatar

@hug_of_war when I think of commune, I don’t think of “having crazy orgy type sex all the time” lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

yeah it’s hardly an orgy in my head as well
just an allowance for going outside your primary relationship
something, as usual, to be talked about and agreed to by all parties involved and their families

Milladyret's avatar

As long as I’d get to have my own bedroom, I’d be fine.
And I’d have to make sure that everyone cleans up after themself, or I’d go MAD!!

hug_of_war's avatar

@casheroo – just my opinion. I’m kind of a prude though. hehe.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Communes do not promote equality between all it’s members. There’s always a hierarchy.

I’m changing my answer. I’m not living in a commune. I’ll find 2 or 3 friends to move in with that I trust implicitly.

cwilbur's avatar

I lived in a fraternity house in college. That was a fantastic living arrangement, and I’d be happy to do it again.

(Don’t think Animal House – it was a small fraternity at a small private college. Much more in common with Oxford/Cambridge colleges than with the stereotype of fraternities.)

And then after college, I lived in other living situations with several people sharing a house or apartment, and I liked those too.

VzzBzz's avatar

This is something I’ve been planning for many years so, yes. As The_Compassionate_Heretic says, there is always some sort of hierarchy, there are always politics as in any group or family and I’m okay with that because the few people who’ve been on board for this with me have been the same for over a decade, we’ll see who’s still on board within the next, new folks come and and go and some stay :)

fireside's avatar

@KalWest -I don’t see people moving into communes due to the downturn in the economy, though i did just help someone move this morning out of her apartment and into a friend’s house. This was definitely an expense cutting measure. Her rent was cut in half and the other friend now has someone to help pay her mortgage. There is another bedroom in there as well that may be rented out too.

I know other people who have opened their home to friends who are in transition periods and need a place to stay so that they can get back on their feet. They don’t get paid monetarily from most of the people who have stayed over the years, but they do get other benefits from having other people around the house.

The main reason I don’t see people packing up and moving into communes, persay, is mainly because of the expense that would be involved in setting up a group facility. I think that if the economy doesn’t pick up (though i suspect it already is) and the unemployment rates go higher than they already are, then people will definitely start consolidating and moving in with friends and family.

Crazy sex communes aren’t really what I picture people doing just because the economy is suffering. Plus the community living I have experienced lends towards exactly the opposite because people know too much about each other’s business to want to get involved sexually in a round robin type of environment.

Zen's avatar

@KalWest Initially, I thought it was a play on words with the Shi-ite militia, as in, terrorists that attack our men in Iraq, like Hamas et al.

KalWest's avatar

lol = i meant shite as in the scottish pronunciation way of shit

kenmc's avatar

I’ve been reading my new bible and it lends itself to communes quite well.

I’m (sort of) ready and willing… now I just need to find one worth my time.

KalWest's avatar

ok- how about a commune of selected flutherites ;-)

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@KalWest I think a co-op would be a better way to go.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I think I would really enjoy it as long as it was the right one. Only requirement of mine is to have our own space. The hardest part of communal living for me personally is the sharing of a house. I don’t know if I’d enjoy that. But I would enjoy what I know of as the other aspects of communal living. Especially sharing work and goods. If I ever come upon a good one I just might try it out.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@KalWest I did think of commune as a way to work around harsh living circumstances due to the economy so i see where you are coming from. To me, it makes sense. Not that it would help the economy but the idea did cross my mind.

Zen's avatar

I live on a commune. What does this have to do with shit hitting the fan?

likipie's avatar

I could see myself living in a commune type arrangement even if “shite” didn’t keep hitting the fan. I would absolutely love it.

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