General Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

How does Planned Parenthood deal with protesters?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) April 12th, 2009

Yesterday, I went to Planned Parenthood to pick up my birth control and there were a few protesters outside. I couldn’t get the birth control because the computer system was down and I was a walk in. When I looked on the website, that location wasn’t listed and I couldn’t find the number for that location on Yellow Pages so I couldn’t call them. When I told my mother this, she thought that maybe they had removed the location from the website because it is now a “hot spot” because of the protesters. Could this be the case?

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14 Answers

casheroo's avatar

Are they mean protesters? The ones outside the one I go to aren’t mean, they just hand out graphic pamphlets. I’ve never seen them do anything too bad.
I think it’s weird it’s not on the planned parenthood site…That doesn’t make sense. They’re all listed in my area.

Mamradpivo's avatar

Possibly. There’s a group that does an annual protest in some city across the country. A couple years ago they were in Denver, protesting loudly (with speakers) and quote grotesquely outside our neighborhood women’s clinic. My girlfriend and I were walking by and made a point of walking up to the door, going inside and telling the staff that the protestors outside didn’t speak for our community.

We caught a lot of flack when we left, but it was worth it. After a series of bombings and assassinations in the nineties by so-called Christian groups, protestors now have to stand a certain distance from the doors of a clinic, allowing free passage for patients. This is one way they deal. The other is probably very thick skin.

Sorry, this answer got a lot longer than I expected..

KatawaGrey's avatar

@casheroo: They weren’t belligerent and there were no more than 10 of them. This is why it seems so odd. I’m still going to try there tomorrow (I don’t much like the idea of going somewhere different if I don’t have to) and if it is open, ask them about this.

@Mamradpivo: They were quite far away from the actual building and they weren’t blocking the way into the parking lot. It just seems odd that something so low-key (though what protest can really be called low-key?) would incite such a reaction.

rooeytoo's avatar

Wish they would all just mind their own business or spend their time caring for unwanted children that are already here!

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

I find it ironic they’re protesting an organization that very largely supplies birth control, the prime method of PREVENTING the unwanted pregnancies that would be aborted that they’re so offended by.

oratio's avatar

What were they protesting exactly?

KatawaGrey's avatar

@oratio: They were protesting abortion.

@westy81585: Even though they were actively protesting abortion, a lot of these groups aren’t too keen on birth control either.

oratio's avatar

I guessed it was something like that, but it seemed they were protesting against contraceptives, which I guess they could be protesting about too. I’m not so familiar about what about these groups protest against, it’s not an issue in my country. I believe in their right to do so, peacefully, but sometimes it just feels like some people needs to get a hobby.

robmandu's avatar

Huh… I doubt Planned Parenthood wouldn’t list a location on their web site due to the possibility of protesters.

That said, I can only seem to find listings in New Haven and Meriden… not exactly where you’re at. :-\

So, perhaps it’s an oversight on their part?

As to how they handle protesters, usually the local municipality has a set of laws/guidelines that define how protesters may operate. They must be on public property, like a sidewalk, and must not block ingress/egress. They need a permit, that kind of thing.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@robmandu: I actually go to the New Haven one and when I checked this morning, its listing was back up. Last night, however, it was gone.

robmandu's avatar

Are you sure you’re scrolling down far enough on the screen?

I see it now at 12:03PM on 14APR2009.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@robmandu:This is one example where timestamps might be a wee bit useful. I went to ppc yesterday and yesterday morning, the listing was up. The night before, it was not there.

robmandu's avatar

heh… well them’s the breaks, I guess.

In unrelated news, all my bookmarks were awol when I fired up my web browser today. Closing it down and restarting it brought them back. No idea why.

Have you jinxed me?

KatawaGrey's avatar

Yes. I have called forth the computer gremlins from their otherwordly dimension to wreak havoc upon your cyber life…

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