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Do you think use of social media is causing infidelity to increase?
I am 27, but many of my friends are into their 40s and 50s. Lately, a couple of them have reconnected with old boyfriends via social media networks. In both cases, the ex was the one who “found” them and started the conversation.
In discussing what their conversations, interactions and even face-to-face meetings have involved, some in my group have questioned the intentions of the said exes. It has all started to make me wonder…
Do you think that as more and more people become active on social networks, the chance and occurrence of infidelity is bound to rise?
And not just any demographic: In the last 60 days, the number of US users of Facebook over the age of 35 has doubled. The majority of Facebook users are now over the age of 25, with 26–44 year olds comprising 41% of the market. The largest single growing demographic is women over the age of 55.
While neither of my friends has done anything wrong, it seems like social networks open doors into the past that otherwise would have remained closed. Will there be any correlation between rates of infidelity, divorce, etc. as these tools gain more users?
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