General Question

kelly's avatar

Men, have any of you been circumcised at an age when you remember the proceedure?

Asked by kelly (1926points) April 13th, 2009

why were you circumcised and what was the recovery time.

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10 Answers

kenmc's avatar

I have no idea when I was circumcised.

I just know that I’ve been. I would rather be, imo, so far. It’s supposedly much cleaner than being uncircumcised.

hug_of_war's avatar

@kelly: Have you been hiding something from us?

Dansedescygnes's avatar

Sorry to not really answer the question you were asking, but I just wanted to say that I’m uncircumcised and so is my brother. My parents didn’t think it was necessary nor right to do it. I like being this way personally.

shilolo's avatar

There are a lot of health benefits to circumcision, from reduced incidence of HIV to (most recently), reduced incidence of other STDs like herpes and human papilloma virus.

cschack's avatar

I had to get snipped at 20…foreskin was always too tight, but my doctor figured it’d widen with time. It didn’t, so I elected to have the procedure. It wasn’t all that bad, but it was sore for a couple of days, and felt pretty weird for another week after that, until it became desensitized. Also, it looked really horrible until the swelling subsided. (Relieving myself the first morning: AAAAH, IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE THAT!!!)

casheroo's avatar

I think it’s so much easier to have it done when the boy is very young, when the parents can properly care for it and the child will not mess with it.

majorrich's avatar

They didn’t even ask us when my son was born. He was premature, so was in the neonatal unit for 14 days before we took him home. But I digress. We came in and they told us the procedure had already been done! I didn’t raise much of a stink, because we were going to have it done anyway, but I think they should have at least asked before they just went and did it willy nilly.

JLeslie's avatar

@majorrich Awful they didn’t ask you first. My husband was premie, and that is why they didn’t do his circumcision at the time of his birth. It was done at the age 5, he was told he was going to have his tonsils removed, and he remembers waking up with his penis hurting very badly. I asked him if he was upset or traumatized or whatever word you want to use, and his reply was a simple, “no.”

casheroo's avatar

@majorrich Oh wow, I would have been pissed! I guess it was different for you, because we were rooming in with our son and they had to come in and ask to take him we always knew what was going on with him, and my husband would go with him. I’m sorry that happened.

echotech10's avatar

Uh….no….I was circumcised at 2 weeks old, at which time I was also given my hebrew name.

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