@YARNLADY – To be honest, I was put off by your question, but to be fair to you it’s because I have some issues with one of my husband’s family members, well two of them. I see your side of it, but remember it’s not always like that. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was in my early twenties. I had a part-time job and was finishing grad school, my husband had an okay job – with benefits and quit – just quit. Here I was, 4 months pregnant, a grad student, lazy husband and a part-time job. Blah! I had money I had been saving since I was 12 – every card that I ever got birthday money in, babysitting money and eventually after school job money. Gift money, too. I had banked somewhere around 20,000, before I was 19. After I exhausted that money, paying for doctors, I had severe complications in my pregnancy, I cashed stocks, that were gifts from my uncle. That was it, we ran out of money. I needed to go on bed rest and he still wasn’t working. He finally got off his rear and got a job. I did something I never thought I would have to do, I filed for assistance, but since he brought in a certain amount and I was still able to pay bills, we were denied. I eventually took out a loan to pay for the delivery – which got very expensive, very fast. (major complications) We had the money, going in, but things went bad, fast. (should have know where that was going, we divorced 2 years later!)
On the flip side of things, my sister and brother in-law, are the people abusing – yes, abusing the system. He is self-employed and under reports his income. (way under reports.) They had their 4th child, not too long ago and went on welfare. Now, these two live in a house valued at over 200,000, drive new cars and trade them, often. Were the best clothes and vacation frequently. They never go without gadgets and the kids want for nothing. They just think health insurance is a waste of money – I mean if they had to pay that, then how could they possibly pay for their boat and jet skis? They abuse the system. That disgusts me.
Like @casheroo, I have no problem when someone truly needs help, that is why those programs are in place. I just can’t stand when people lie and abuse the system.