General Question

oratio's avatar

To what city would you move?

Asked by oratio (8945points) April 14th, 2009

If you would have to move, and could choose freely to what city in your country you would move, what city would that be, and why?

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22 Answers

MrMontpetit's avatar

In my country, Canada, no clue. I’d definitely like to visit Hawaii, but to move permanently, probably somewhere in South California, New Zealand, or around Sydney, Australia.

rawpixels's avatar

Seattle, because it’s just beautiful

colin's avatar

You’d have to bribe me to get me out of Paris. If I did have to move, I would probably try somewhere in the south of France.

oratio's avatar

Yeah those countries have great climate. I hear Vancouver is beautiful though.
Interesting, i’ll keep that in mind for future travel.
Yes, Paris is wonderful.

babiturtle36's avatar

I’d love to move to San Francisco. Clean crisp air and lots to do.

Judi's avatar

There is a reason Southern California is so crowded. It is the best place in the world.

qashqai's avatar

Someone already took San Francisco and Sidney, so I would pick Valencia, Spain (for climate, architecture, design,lovely spanish people, paella and the America’s cup).

Triiiple's avatar

Tokyo, because i love Asian women

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Rockwall, TX, outside of Dallas. We lived there for 22 years before moving back home here & I miss it something terrible. I have tons of friends there, my church, my work. It’s a great town with all the stores & restaurants you could want. I’d go back there in a heart beat.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I live 6 miles from Rockwall. In Mesquite. I like it here.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

I could live almost anywhere on the southern coasts of the US. I’m from Texas, so I’m partial to Galveston or Chorpus Christi. I lived in Galveston for about a year and also stayed in Chorpus Christi for extended periods for work. I just seem to have more good days when I am on the coast as opposed to being land locked.

willbrawn's avatar

Portland, London, or San Diego

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Russell_D_SpacePoet Mesquite??!! Ohhh, can I come visit you???

forestGeek's avatar

Domestically Portsmouth, NH, because I really like that part of the east coast. Internationally I’d choose Berlin for sure.

SuperMouse's avatar

If I could live anywhere in the United States I would live in Berkeley, California.

cwilbur's avatar

I wouldn’t move. I like where I am right now.

(Porter Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts.)

mattbrowne's avatar

Berlin. If I went back to the US, I would pick San Francisco.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i’d like to try out san francisco.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

@jbfletcherfan That’s a long drive… Isn’t it?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Russell_D_SpacePoet yes, about 800 miles from here. We’ve gone back down there every year for vacation, but this year we aren’t. I hate it. We’re going west. If I ever run away from life, I’m going south. ;-)

KalWest's avatar

if it had to be in my current country of residence – prolly sf. because it’s beautiful and i like its progressiveness

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