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sakura's avatar

Do wood pigeons steal other birds nests?

Asked by sakura (8267points) April 14th, 2009

We have nesting magpies in our tree and a cheeky wood pigeon tries to jump in their nest when they are away!

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2 Answers

aviona's avatar

I asked a similar question recently. Not about wood pigeons, though.

dynamicduo's avatar

Certainly they would. It’s far less work to find or steal a nest than it is to build one from scratch. The bird could also be interested in the eggs in the basket, as some birds will eat undefended eggs; however from what I’ve gathered (in 5 minutes of Google searching) magpies are usually the aggressive egg eaters, not wood pigeons.

My final conclusion is there’s a 99% chance the wood pigeon is trying to steal the nest, and a 1% chance that it has been hunting down the magpie that ate his brother and is seeking revenge ;)

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