General Question

Jude's avatar

If you were to write your memoir but it could only contain 6 words, what would it say?

Asked by Jude (32207points) April 14th, 2009
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43 Answers

serenityNOW's avatar

My memoir is very hard work.

dalepetrie's avatar

This memoir’s just six words long.

rooeytoo's avatar

I am bored with this question

Milladyret's avatar

‘Lived too little, loved too much.’
Or something.

FGS's avatar

He came, He saw, He conquered ;)

jessicar's avatar

Lived, Loved, Lost, and now gone

arnbev959's avatar

Most of it isn’t written here.

filmfann's avatar

Why is my left arm numb?

Ivan's avatar

Oh fuck, I’m out of words!

chyna's avatar

She gave more than she got. (Or I would hope it would say that.)

crisedwards's avatar

Dadaist trying to be a square

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Oh my, what a great ride!

rhetorician's avatar

He was born, then he died.

Pol_is_aware's avatar

So you think you can dance.

kenmc's avatar

You done stole my question!

Pol_is_aware's avatar

@boots : thats only five words

gimmedat's avatar

I was a damn good person.

jsc3791's avatar

Ella amaba profundamente y viviĆ³ plenamente.

kenmc's avatar


Ok. Here’s one with six words.

Facade's avatar

“Too late to know me now”

TheLoneMonk's avatar

Win. Fail. Succeed. Fail….AGAIN! Win.

cookieman's avatar

Big guy ate well, worked hard.

jsc3791's avatar

@cprevite Hopefully ate chocolate chip cookies often.

cookieman's avatar

@jsc3791: without a doubt.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

dalepetrie's avatar

This is the shortest book ever.

Jack79's avatar

I lived a life that’s full.

Trustinglife's avatar

Kicked ass, changed lives, died happy.

FrancisRude's avatar

It pays off to strive harder

Lightlyseared's avatar

I was rich, goodlooking and modest.

qashqai's avatar

Girls, fast cars, tropical islands.

TheKNYHT's avatar

atypical life thoroughly enjoyed; eternally too!

anoop66's avatar

this my memoir. u love it!

Zen's avatar

Started sad; became a great Dad.

anoop66's avatar

bart why u little!!!! doh doh

Bluefreedom's avatar

Not possible in only six words. (6)

Jeruba's avatar

Nothing about it was ever simple.

@evelyns_pet_zebra: Hemingway, right?

Macaulay's avatar

Always the problem or the solution.

Jeruba's avatar

@qashqai: abacus fail.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Jeruba give that girl a cigar; I wondered if anyone would catch the reference.

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks! <puff puff>

anoop66's avatar

This is my memoir. It’s hot!

Zen's avatar

@anoop66 Funny!

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