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RedPowerLady's avatar

Does your partner have any serious personality flaws that you have had to come to terms with?

Asked by RedPowerLady (12638points) April 14th, 2009

Does your partner (spouse, bf/gf, etc..) have any personality flaws that you have realized are not going to change which has led you to realize that this is something you are just going to have to put up with?

(if someone wants to help me re-word that then great, lol)

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22 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, Hubby is so much more intelligent than the rest of humanity that he has very little understanding of how they feel, think or act. He is the very embodiment of the absent minded professor.

Jack79's avatar

She’s extremely untidy, and I don’t mean just in throwing her clothes in a pile, she’s a total mess as far as her daily routine is concerned, has no long-term plan for her life, and is generally chaotic.

I do not consider it a serious personality flaw, but I feel sorry for her sometimes. I wish I could help her put things in some sort of order, for her own sake. I don’t mind the external messiness that much, though of course I always tidy up and do the dishes when I’m at her place. And I’d never move in with her exactly because of all that (we lived together for about 2 months, which makes me a hero).

AstroChuck's avatar

Yeah. She has terrible taste in men.

ru2bz46's avatar

She’s very messy, and we had to have separate bathrooms. She also says aloud almost anything that comes into her head (she gets that from her mother). When she cooks, she uses every piece of cookware and is too tired from cooking to clean up the mess. I did most of the cooking. She also doesn’t see cheating as a big deal; that part, I couldn’t put up with, so I left.

kevbo's avatar

She often takes an ETERNITY to open her mouth and answer a question. Drives. Me. Up. A. Wall.

Dog's avatar

My spouse does have a terrible flaw. It is the stubborn ability to love me despite all my flaws and there are many of them.

theluckiest's avatar

@AstroChuck for the win, bigtime.

Judi's avatar

@Jack79 ; my hubby and i have the same dilemma. After 20 years i have become a not embarrassing housekeeper (You don’t want to eat off the floors but if you show up I am not totally embarrassed) and he has lightened up, become more creative and has almost learned what it means to be spontaneous.

qualitycontrol's avatar

My gf hardly ever speaks, she’s very quiet and introverted but a sweetheart. She just likes to communicate without talking…kinda frustrating but I don’t like when people ramble about nothing…I have to be a REAL mind reader though, take into account all body language and facial expressions lol.

casheroo's avatar

I’ve been working on changing this aspect, as horrible as that sounds, but I just can’t stand it.
My husband has the tendeny to get a very condescending tone when he thinks he knows whats best. It’s so fucking annoying.
Also, and he’s gotten much better at it, with lots of bitching on my part…he NEVER let me tell or finish stories. I’d be telling my parents or a friend a story, and he’d just interject and tell the story…usually confusing whoever I was talking to, because he rudely interrupts me. He knows it’s a problem he has, and he does work on it. I usually have to just say “Excuse me, I was talking” He gets embarrassed, but how else is he going to see what he’s done? It really frustrates me though and I want to punch him when he does it.

Facade's avatar

None that I can think of. Then again, I haven’t been around him in a while.

Darwin's avatar

My husband, delightful as he is, is a spendthrift and way past untidy.

Early on in our marriage we agreed to split the bills, so he pays for “entertainment” (cable TV, eating out, going to movies, buying ever larger TVs) and I pay for things like the taxes, the mortgage (when we had one), the light bill, and the various other essentials of life. Thus, the spendthrift problem is resolved.

I haven’t figured out how to cope with the untidiness part except that, as he is now disabled, he can’t get to all parts of the house. As a result his messiness is limited to the “TV room” (his downstairs bedroom), the kitchen and the bathroom.

His family frequently wonders how I could possibly cope with his untidiness, and are amazed I have accepted it for twenty years. But he makes me smile, so it’s worth it.

Bagardbilla's avatar

I won’t bad mouth my Ex, but will say we had our issues…
But I really just wanted to say that it warmed my heart to see/read that none of us are perfect and all of us can be/are forgiving, accepting and loving towords those closest to us…
Sounds kind of obvious upon rereading, it is what it is…

jonsblond's avatar

My husband can be a hypocrite at times. He readily admits to being one, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s annoying as heck!

noelasun's avatar

My SO “found me” on fluther yesterday. Alas.
I would have enjoyed answering this question… =p

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My ex of several years loved me and would have given me anything I wanted but only within the realm of remaining his obedient arm candy. I tried to accept, tried to work it all in but after about 8yrs I couldn’t do it with love only bitterness so I left.

aviona's avatar

He was kind of messy. But, I could get him to tidy up if I had to.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@kevbo: My boyfriend does the same thing! I’ll make a comment or ask him something and he doesn’t acknowledge that I’ve spoken for a couple minutes.

My boy also has a kind of apathy that worries me. There isn’t much that he cares about (or appears to care about). He cares about me a lot, which is good, but often when I am angry or worried about something, his response is often something along the lines of, “why do you care?” He’s learned to ask me why I’m angry or worried about something before he asks that (and the answer usually makes sense to him) but I still worry about him.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@kevbo Hubby does the same. I can’t stand it!

RedPowerLady's avatar

My hubby has this horrible flaw. LOL. And yes I’ve told him about it, hehe.

When he is too tired from work he’ll fall asleep on the couch. No big deal. But whenever I have to wake him up he is bad tempered. He won’t do his evening chores and just has a nasty tone to his voice. He always tells me that he is going to take a nap and I should wake him up for this or that. I always so “no way , you are nasty when woken up”. I can laugh about it but really it is very annoying.

squirbel's avatar

Yes, mine has road rage. He’s always getting pissy at every person who cuts him off… pretty much every mistake other drivers make. He gets pissy about people in the store and the silly things they do. He never says anything to them, mind you; it’s me who gets the earful. I’m really mellow, because I know there’s no point in getting angry. It’s dumb stuff. Seriously. But I just keep quiet and ignore his rantings.

Supergirl's avatar

Yes, my husband is a horrible communicator. He grew up in a family that never talked about ANYTHING (and still doesn’t). But, the good old marriage counseling has made a huge difference. He is a complete product of his environment.

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