Are you supporting the Tea Bag protest?
Asked by
filmfann (
April 15th, 2009
Today there are many protests going on complaining about the waste of tax dollars, and the burden of taxes in general. It is representing itself as non-partisan, but seems to be backed by the Republicans.
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28 Answers
i think it’s the Tea Party protests, but i’m entirely against teabagging as well.
I have a feeling few Republicans would openly admit to being backers of teabagging.
“Seems to be” backed by them? They are claiming it’s been a grassroots movement but it’s been seeded by them purposely. I’ve heard Fox News has been regurgitating it constantly.
It’s a ridiculous protest with no real meaning, and just one more sign that the current Republican party has gone insane. I mean, did you actually see their proposed budget? It was ludicrous!
I’m so happy other networks have been LOLing at this, especially this video clip.
Did they seriously think they could use ‘tea bags” without bringing up the obvious connection about tea bagging? Not to mention, the Boston Tea Party was all about taxation without representation, completely not what they’re arguing about now.
I am someone who agrees with less taxes and smaller government, but I like to actually use logic and reason in my discussions, not pointless protests which say “I’m angry” but don’t provide any type of solution or critical debate about the issue.
A lot of the newscasts about this leave me in hysterics, because they use the Teabagging term.
I was out with two friends last night, who didn’t know what that term meant.
why would you even use the term “teabagging” for a protest? It’s a mouthful!
Here is an amusing link from Rachel Maddow.
I am an old lady. What does the term “tea bagging” mean? Do I really want to know?
It is a homosexual term for… do you really want to know?
My son learned teabagging on Halo. I laughed my ass off when I heard him say it.
@eponymoushipster You’re right. It’s not necessarily homosexual, but I don’t know any hetros that do it.
@eponymoushipster ; Thanks for the link. I guess I didn’t want to know after all. It is funnier than I expected though!
@elijahsuicide yeah, it’s popular in games like that too. i bet if he knew where it came from, he wouldn’t be saying it in front of mom.
@filmfann a lot of guys who claim to be hetero do it. see also: frat boys.
@Judi np
However, most people would agree teabagging and taxes do have something in common: neither is pleasant to experience, and leave a bad taste in your mouth.
@filmfann That’s the exact link I was posting, only a slash got added to the end of my URL and thus made it invalid.
@All: Tea bagging is the act of one man putting their testicles onto another person, usually the face (most commonly it refers to actually inserting the testicles into someone’s mouth). It’s called tea bagging because the motion of positioning and resting/inserting the testicles on the other person, as well as the sagginess of the scrotum, resembles the dipping of a tea bag into a cup of tea. In my experience I’ve seen the term being used to describe the act when someone passes out at a party, and the teabagger puts their scrotum on the sleeping person’s face while a picture is taken, no actual insertion.
@filmfann – It’s not really a term used in sexuality, it’s more of an insult or derogatory slang term. There are plenty of all kinds of sexuals who enjoy scrotum stimulation. As a girl, I do not derive direct pleasure from stimulating my partner’s testicles and scrotum with my mouth, but he sure as stars loves the feeling. So now you know of two heteros who do it :)
Teabagging has progressed over the years, it now applies to inatimate objects. “Dude! Rick just totally teabagged Mike’s sandwich and now Mike is eating it! Ewwww!”
<high fives>
@elijahsuicide i know, it means i teabag my underwear every day! well, every day i wear underwear. me-ow.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure most people had been calling it the Tea Party protests, then people just escape the middle schooler inside of themselves.
I am 100% against the frivolous spending of our tax money, but no amount of protesting is going to change anyone’s mind. I drink tea every day and I rant about the government everyday. That’s all I can do with any real results.
Wow, someone got back to the topic!!!
Thanks to everyone. Lurve all around!
@Judi I only knew it had a sexual meaning but never knew what it actually meant until I heard it all over the place. So I googled it the other day and EEUUWW. I didn’t get past the first dozen words!
We turned on the TV this morning to see the huge crowds promised. 300 people in front of the White House? Give me 10 minutes and I could get 300 people to protest free ice cream.
I don’t look upon this fiasco as a “Republican” contrivance. This is the work of the small group of neo-con ideologues who haven’t a clue. They are desperately floundering about trying to find a way to get the political power they lost starting in 2006. For almost 30 years it has not been about good ideas it has been about repeating lies over and over. Well they have finally lost their minds.
1. The old standby of lying and creating scandal out of nothing has turned laughable. C’mon a conspiracy theory about the Obama family’s choice of a pet??
2. Obama’s victory comes from a grassroots campaign so let’s get a grassroots campaign ourselves. Guys, grassroots means it comes from the bottom up not the top down. It means that the $25 donor sends in $1000 because they really like the new ideas. It does not mean because the political has-beens buy 1 million teabags and invite people to come and throw them around’
3. Speaking of political has-beens what happened to the new young leaders like Steele, Palin, Jindal, Canter, Limbaugh…OOPS, never mind .
4. The purpose of the mini-demo is to protest the taxes of…the Bush Administration???
To my Republican friends…I feel your pain. You guys will have until 2016 to get rid of all that termite ridden dry rot in your platform and leadership and you’ll need every minute of it.
Thank you fluther, I learned something today I didn’t need to know.hahahaha I don’t support this protest, or any other protest. Demonstrations are not the way to accomplish any lasting change. Vote and support the politicians who most nearly represent your views.
I enjoyed our local Tea Party in Albuquerque and met many smart, caring and like-minded concerned citizens. The Tea Party here WAS a grassroots movement. I know because I know the people who organized it and they are a group of small business owners here in town. We had about 5000 folks and it was peaceful, fun and positive.
I think most of us were involved because we feel disenfranchised. The increasing size of the Federal Government over the last 4 decades has concerned me and I was disappointed with the increased size of the Federal government during the Bush years, but the spending over the last one year has been incrdeibly irresponsible and the budget just proposed has brought this issue to the forefront with the federal budget now 28% of the GDP. Compounding the issue is the dramatically progressive tax plan we have in the USA with only 10% of people paying 70% of the taxes. Further inflaming this issue is the recent desparaging of theose taxpayers by calling them “greedy” and claiming the “aren’t paying their fair share”, etc.
The true grassroots movement began in 2006 when we individuals (not Fox News or local business people) got on the bus and said “enough already”. We voted, taking our franchise into our own hands, and started moving out the obstructionist bootlickers in Congress. We went beyond using our vote, we contributed to campaigns and made political discussion an important part of our lives. What we didn’t do was join in demonstrations that were just a smokescreen for Middle Eastern propaganda on the one hand or a chance to bitch and moan about the actions of the past president while dressed up for Halloween on the other. BTW teabaggers, if you voted for Bush or didn’t bother to vote in 2004-STFU!.
The mélange of the passé, single issue, know-nothing teabag flingers would have better spent the day reading up on history.
@galileogirl – Why do you consider your point of view the “true grassroots movement” and those of the Tea Partiers to be illegitimate? Isn’t okay to disagree about how large the Federal government should be or how many trillions of dollars our elected servants borrow on our behalf? I do not undersand what STFU means either. Could you tell me? Don’t worry, I didn’t vote for Bush, so you won’t offend me (but you may offend others).
STFU means Shut the F*** Up.
The tea partiers should have started complaining in 2002 when Bush started borrowing money from Social Security.
@filmfann – Thank you. That is very tolerant language.
Relieved that I did not vote for Bush or I would have felt unwelcomed.
The spending currently swamps any spending under President Bush. This year’s deficit will be 4 times last years and that does not even include TARP I and TARP II. That is one of the reasons Conservatives like myself who have been concerned and upset about the spending of the last 40 years feel we have reached a critical moment. Another, is the Federal budget increasing from about 20% of GDP to over 30% of GDP (levels not seen in 60 years).
The data is here:
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