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What would you do?
I have two houses and an apartment. House #1 costs me $1750/month, and I have a tenant paying $1400/month to live there. House #2 costs me $2000/month. My wife lives there, and she has two roommates at $500/month each. I pay my wife’s portion of $1000/month. I have an apartment at a mere $675/month with a lease through 3/31/2010. The tenant in house #1 just put in notice that they are leaving June 9, 2009.
I make just enough to live exactly as I am now while paying the extra $350/month for house #1, $1000 of house #2, and my rent of $675.
Would you try to get a new tenant to move into house #1?
Would you move into house #1 and try to find a roommate to cover the extra $700?
Would you rent house #1 for less than $1400 and move back in with your estranged wife and her roommates?
Are you even more creative than I am? What would you do?
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