General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

What is your second job?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) April 15th, 2009

you even may have a third! for me, it seems like three jobs because as soon as i come home, i start cooking for the family. then i have to be ever so mindful about my musician job that demands my time every week of the year.

did i mention overtime that supersedes all the above at times?

what do you do for a living or for nothing that is a second or third job? how do you make time for it? only 7 days in a week, but you make it happen nonetheless.

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11 Answers

Ownage's avatar

Job number one, work on computers. Job number two, well I guess you could say… I’m a peddler of sorts.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Job one…paint walls, job two…bus tables. Full time career (at the moment) student. Yah life is grand.

critter1982's avatar

Job 1: Development Engineer
Job 2: Home Remodeling
Job 3: Landlord/Property Management
Job 4: Fixing all the crap wrong with my house

Triiiple's avatar

@Ownage You sell Aderol, not real drugs.

Darwin's avatar

Job 1: Be my husband’s caregiver
Job 2: Internet bookseller
Job 3: Advocate within the school system for my son who is bipolar, ODD and ADD
Job 4: Soccer mom, kickball mom, track mom, tennis mom, cross country mom, baseball mom, football mom, SCUBA mom, general scheduling clerk and taxi service
Job 5: Dog walker, zookeeper, maid of all work and jack of all trades.

SuperMouse's avatar

Job 1. Raising my three incredible boys
Job 2. Full time student
Job 3. Working in the campus library

cookieman's avatar

Job #4: Adjunct College Professor (1 to 2 nights a week)

Job #3: Freelance Graphic Designer (1 ongoing client currently)

Job #2: Creative Director/Advertising Manager (FT – 50hrs a week)

Job #1: Husband and Father

sandeep200789's avatar

job1:-town planner

job2:- i am magazine writter

preggers's avatar

1. Human incubator.
2. Freelance graphic design work.
3. Therapist for my crazy family. They all live close to one another. But no one seems to listen to each other. Whenever I come home or call, they seem starved for someone to just listen to them. It makes me sad.

wundayatta's avatar

#1 work for money, health insurance, college education, and retirement
#2 family chef and personal shopper
#3 music coach for kids
#4 gardener, car fixer, trash taker-outer, chauffeur
#5 musician for the dance workshop
#6 question answerer, and general know-it-all ;-)

Ownage's avatar

@Triiiple: Sell adderall?? I have a legal prescription for my medicine that I need to take to treat my ADhD. Why would I sell my medicine? Who told you that….

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