General Question

plasticpen's avatar

Have you ever felt a sickness coming on but completely prevented it from happening using your own natural means?

Asked by plasticpen (43points) April 16th, 2009

Everyone is getting sick this week, and I’m afraid I’m up next. Great, just in time for the weekend! I’m starting to feel that general “pre-sickness” malaise coming on…is there ANYTHING I can do to stop this from happening dead in its tracks? If so, have you tried it? Did it work? Or am I just destined to get sick this weekend and there’s no way to stop it?

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11 Answers

DrBill's avatar

The Sioux nation have natural ways to cure most illnesses.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

You “can” do this but odds are if you’re going to get sick you’re going to get sick. Your best bet would be to start eating lots of foods containing vitamin C (oranges for example) and ensure you get a lot of rest and healthy food. Avoid greasy or refined foods if possible. Lots of liquids helps too (just as it does if you actually GET sick).

This type of stuff will aid your immune system in fighting whatever is going around, but when it comes down to it it’s basically up to your immune system to determine whether or not you’re going to get sick.

Jack79's avatar

yes, I’m afraid a virus is a virus and you have to let it run its course. It’s practically impossible to avoid it altogether, but you could alleviate the symptoms.

what I have found works for me when I have a cold or something, is a really hot bath, then drying up really well and keeping warm. No magic potion, I know, but it really makes me feel better. There are a series of medicines that work against coughs, though I’m sure they have different names where you are.

And of course plenty of vitamin C, but everyone will tell you that.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

@Jack79 That would probably make you feel better as it would act as a sort of “artificial fever.” All a fever is is your body increasing your body temp to a level that it can survive and the virus/infection cannot. This would be a bit better than a fever though as you could keep your head out of the water (bad when your brain gets hot), and your body wouldn’t get TOO hot. Not AS effective as a real fever but I see how it could help.

Jack79's avatar

didn’t know that westy, thanks. I just stumbled on it accidentally, but now I always try it when I’m sick. It’s worked for my daughter too :)

Dorkgirl's avatar

I use a “cocktail” of Chinese herbs, zinc, vitamin C to stave off colds/flu when those around me are suffering. I’ve not had a cold in months.

YARNLADY's avatar

@DrBill which Sioux Nation would that be, Isanti/Santee, Ihanktown-Ihanktowana or Tetonwan/Teton? And if what you say is true, why do they have doctors and hospitals?

RedPowerLady's avatar

I have done this quite a few times.

Most important is hygiene. Don’t let yourself get germy. Get some hand sanitizer or just wash your hands often. Don’t touch your face with your hands.

Vitamin C boosts the immune system so take that a couple times a day. Vitamin C only stays in your body for a few hours so you do need to take it more than once a day.

Much sickness occurs from your nose. You inhale toxins and then they drip down your throat. So if you gargle with salt water daily that will help. Even better is to snort salt water and either let it drip out your nose or spit it out your mouth. This works for me everytime.

AND get enough sleep. Your immune system goes down drastically when you don’t get enough rest.

Oh and don’t forget your toothbrush. If you think you have had any sickness at all then change it out. (most people forget this).

Good luck to ya!

mass_pike4's avatar

oh hell ya man! The power of the mind! 65% of all sicknesses can be prevented by brain power itself. Then again 80% of statistics are made up on the spot. Then again, I’m serious in saying the mind has so much ability to control your body and protect you when a threat is in your body

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Not once you’ve contracted a virus there isn’t anything you can do. Now, if you’ve already had that virus before in your life, you’re immune so you won’t get sick. But that’s just nature working.

A bacterial illness can be treated with antibiotics. Or you can just hang out and see if it clears up all by itself.

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