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How Can I Overcome Absent Mindedness?
I sometimes feel overly absent minded and it drives my wife mad. I am really on top of work related tasks, but it is the small day-to-day things I seem to constantly forget. A perfect example is this…
I use my wife’s debit card every once in a while and will forget to take it of my wallet when I am done. The next day I usually get an angry call when she wakes up, because now she doesn’t have money for this or that (you get the idea), but I am already at work and she has to wait until I get home at night.
I know that my busy schedule plays a role in this, but when my wife sees me staying on top of work stuff but forgetting little things like the the above example it makes her feel like I care more about work than her or our home.
Does anyone have advice on how I can learn to be less absent minded?
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