General Question

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

Who would you vote for today?

Asked by A_Beaverhausen (2443points) April 16th, 2009

JFK or Nixon? Im watching the first televised debate and I cant believe the power of JKF’s words. Now I know why he was assassinated, he spoke the truth! I think JFK’s America should be put to the test today. Do you think this goes along with Obama’s administration?

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9 Answers

avalmez's avatar

i seem to recalll that many experts at the time felt that technically, nixon won the debates with jfk, but jfk’s charm and wit combined with nixon’s 5 o’clock shadow created the appearance that jfk did a better job.

but to answer your question, i probably would vote for jfk – knowing what i know about nixon now makes him the worse of two really not so good guys.

chicadelplaya's avatar

JFK, hands down.

ru2bz46's avatar

Nixon was exposed as the bad man he was; I would vote for JFK. I wish today’s Democrats were more like JFK.

adreamofautumn's avatar

New media/blogs/etc etc have been referring to the current administration as the “new camelot” since Obama won the election. Clearly there is a parallel being drawn. That said…I voted Obama now and if it was JFK/Nixon I would have voted JFK (but don’t believe all the JFK loving hype in this country without a grain of salt…he was an adultering, womanizing pretty boy who just like a number of notable families brought too much nepotism into the government and his daddy pretty much helped buy his election (well his daddy and his good looks). However, I still think he’s a better man than Nixon.

cwilbur's avatar

I’m not sure who I’d vote for, even given the perspective of history. Nixon was exposed, but JFK was not—is it possible that, had he not been assassinated, he would have been later shown to have been just as bad?

ru2bz46's avatar

@cwilbur Quite likely.

aprilsimnel's avatar

JFK. Not that either Nixon or JFK were great choices. And I always thought that RFK was the most handsome of the surviving Kennedy sons. Ah, Joe, Jr. He was the real looker and brains of the bunch, but he was shot down and killed in WWII. He was the one his father really wanted to be President.

Darwin's avatar

JFK. I remember that my parents voted for him way back when. We lived in California and knew too much about Nixon.

DREW_R's avatar

JFK. He was shot because he wouldn’t follow the world banking leaders and he believed in the United States of America instead of getting us closer to one world order.

Obama doesn’t hold a candle to JFK. Obama, like every administration since JFK and before is just a puppet to the world bankers.

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